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We your Majesty's most humble and obedient Subjects the Governor in Chief of the Leeward Charibbee Islands, and the Council and Assembly of this Island of Antigua, most humbly pray our sacred Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That upon Complaint made to any Justice within this Island of any heinous and grievous Crime, or felonious Act or Acts committed or done by any Slave or Slaves , the said Justice shall issue his Warrant for apprehending the Offender, and all Persons or Slaves to come before that can give Evidence; and if upon Examination it probably appeareth that the apprehended are guilty, he shall commit him or them to Prison; and also within Ten Days after the said Commitment certify to the next Justice of the Quorum, to him (if he be not of the Quorum himself) the Cause and to require him by virtue of this Act, and he is upon such Certification hereby required to associate himself to him, and they so associated are hereby impowered and required to try the said Offender or Offenders within Five Days after the said Certification, at such Place as they shall appoint, and cause the Offender or Offenders and Evidences to come before them:
II. And if the said Justices (one whereof to be of the Quorum) upon hearing the matter, shall adjudge the Criminal or Criminals guilty of the Offence complained of, the said Justices shall give Sentence of Death, or such other punishment as the Crime deserveth, and forthwith by their Warrant cause immediate Execution to be done by such Slave or Slaves as they shall appoint, in such Manner as they shall think fit; and if the Crime committed shall not deserve Death, they shall condemn or adjudge the Criminal or Criminals to the Party or Parties injured, and to his, her, or their Heirs for ever, after have received such Corporal Punishment as the Justices aforesaid shall appoint, unless the Owner shall pay to the Parties injured such Sum or Sums of Money at such time or times as the Justices shall appoint.
III. And the Owner or Owners of all Slaves apprehended, as aforesaid, shall pay all manner of Fees and Charges thereby becoming due to any Officer or Officers within this Island, and upon Refusal the Justices aforesaid are hereby impowered to issue forth an Execution to levy the same upon the Owner or Owners Goods and Chattles, according to the Laws and Customs of this Island, as in case of Debt after Judgment obtained.
Dated in Antigua the Tenth Day of May, in the Sixth Year of the Reign of their sacred Majesties William and Mary King and Queen of England, &c. Anno Domini One Thousand six hundred ninety four.
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