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Whereas in and by an Act made in this Island, bearing date the seventh day of February, One thousand seven hundred and fifteen, entitled, "An Act for laying a Duty on new Negroes and other Slaves, imported this Island," and now in full force, it is enacted amongst other things, "That no Negroes or other Slaves whatsoever, which shall for the future be once imported this Island, shall be exempted from paying the Duty of five shillings a head, but such only which shall be within forty eight hours exported in the same ship or Vessel, wherein they were brought and imported:" And whereas the limitation of the said time of forty eight hours for the exportation of such Negroes or other Slaves, is found by experience to be inconvenient and prejudicial to Trade; (Clause I.) Be it enacted by his Excellency Henry Worsley, Esq: His Majesty's Captain General and Governor of this and other the Caribbee-Islands to windward of Guadaloupe, &c. the Honourable the Members of His Majesty's Council, and the General Assembly of this Island, and by the Authority of the same, that the said limitation of forty-eight hours time in the said recited Act contained, shall be, and is hereby repealed and made void to all intents and purposes whatsoever.
(Clause II.) And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that such Negroes or other Slaves, as shall for the future be imported into this Island, and shall be exported in the same Ship or Vessel, wherein they were brought and imported, shall be exempted from the payment of the said Duty of five shillings a head.
Provided always nevertheless, that in that case, before any such Ship or other Vessel exporting any Negroes or other Slaves, shall be permitted to clear from this Island without paying the Duty aforesaid, the Master or Commander of such Ship or other Vessel, Super-cargo or Merchant, shall make Oath before the Treasurer of this Island for the time being, which he is hereby impowered and required to administer. "That no person whatsoever since his arrival at this Island, hath purchased any of the Negroes, or other Slaves intended to be so exported; and that no contact or agreement, either verbal or in writing, is made or entered into with any person whatsoever in this Island, for or concerning the sale or delivery of the said Negroes, or any of them, to any person or persons whatsoever, at any other place or places whatsoever; but that the said Negroes and other Slaves, and every of them are duly and bona fide exported on the proper account and risque of the first Consigner or Consigners, and for his and their only use, benefit and advantage."
Passed June 6th, 1727.
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