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Whereas many valuable Slaves have lost their lives, or have otherwise been materially injured in their Health by the Wicked Arts of certain Negro and other Slaves going under the appellation of Obeah Men and Women pretending to have communication with the Devil and other evil Spirits whereby the weak and superstitious are deluded into a belief of their having full power to exempt them whilst under their protection from any Evils that might otherwise happen, in Order to prevent such Mischief in the future. Be it enacted by the Honorable John Spooner President of His Majesty’s Council and Commander in Chief of this Island, The Honorable the Members of His Majesty’s Council and the General Assembly of this Island and by the authority of the same that from and after the passing of this Act any slave who by pretending to any supernatural Power or by the practice of what is called Obeah shall cause the death of any other Slave shall upon conviction thereof before two Neighbouring Justices and three Freeholders of the [Vicinity] suffer death.
[Clause 2] And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that if any Negro or other Slave shall mix or prepare with an intent to give or cause to be given any Poison or Poisonous Drug or shall actually give or cause to be given any such Poison or Poisonous Drug to any other Slave in the practise of Obeah or otherwise although Death may not ensure upon the taking thereof the said Slave or Slaves together with their accessaries ([as well] before [as] after the fact being Slaves) being duly convicted thereof as aforesaid shall suffer Death, Transportation for life or such other Punishment as the said Court shall think proper to direct.
Read three times and passed the Council unanimously this 4th day of November 1806
Jos Dottin Husbands.
D. Clerk of the Council
John Spooner
Read three times and passed the General Assembly this 4th day of November 1806.
J.R. Phillips
Clerk of the General Assembly
Assented to by His Honor the same day
Jos Dottin Husbands.
D. [Secretary]
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Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World © 2023 by Stefanie Hunt-Kennedy is marked with CC0 1.0.