Full Transcript
Whereas in and by an Act made in the first Year of her Majesty's Reign, entitled, An Act for the more effectual raising of Parties to pursue and destroy Rebellious and Runaway Slaves, it was amongst other things enacted and ordained, That it should and might be lawful to and for her Majesty's Lieutenant-Governour and Commander in Chief or to and for the Commander in Chief for the time being, to raise and appoint four standing Parties, which said Parties were to be kept in the Windward Parishes of this Island, for and towards the reducing and suppressing the said Rebellious Slaves, each Party whereof was to consist of a Captain, Fourteen White Men and Five arm'd Slaves, such as the Captain or Captains should think fit to insist; and whereas by the said Act each Captain by the said Act each Captain was to have Six Pounds per Month, each Serjeant Four Pounds per Month, and each private Soldier Three Pounds per Month, whereof Ten Shillings per Month was to be for the sole and only use of such Slaves belonging to any of the said Parties; and whereas it has been found by Experience that the said Number of Parties has not been sufficient to carry on the said Work, nor encouragement given sufficient to engage Persons in the said undertaking,
[Clause 1] Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly of this your Majesty's Island of Jamaica, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the Authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for your Majesty's present Governour, or the Governour or Commander in Chief for the Time being, to raise Four other Parties over and above the said Four Parties appointed by the said recited Act; which said Parties when so rais'd shall immediately proceed to attack, pursue and destroy every such rebellious Slave and Slaves as they shall be inform'd or be in the Pursuit of, according to the Directions, Intent and Meaning of the said recited Act.
[Clause 2] And to encourage all Captains or Commanders, and the several and respective Soldiers under their Command, chearfully to engage in so necessary a Work, be it farther enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That every Captain or Commander shall have and receive, as an additional Pay and Encouragement over and above what is given in and by the said recited Act, the farther Sum of Four Pounds per Month, each Serjeant Forty Shillings per Month, each private Soldier One Pound per Month, and the Master of each Slave Ten Shillings per Month, and each Free Mulatto, Indian or Negroe shall have in all Four Pounds per Month.
[Clause 3] And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Four Parties intended to be raised, or any of them, as soon as they shall be raised, shall immediately be sent into some or one of the Four Leeward Parishes of this Island, viz. St. Anns, St. James, St. Elizabeths and Westmoreland, or any one of them.
[Clause 4] And whereas it has been found difficult for the Captains of Commanders of Parties to raise Men, be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That besides the Directions contained in the said recited Act for raising of Men, it shall and may be lawful for the Colonel or Commander in Chief of the several and respective Regiments of this Island, to impress and send for this Service so many Men as the Governour for the time being from time to time shall appoint, out of their respective Regiments, not exceeding Six Months at a time, and not exceeding every Sixth Man, respect being always had to Persons exempted by the said recited Act; and the said Colonels shall and are hereby farther impower'd to impress for the said Serivce all free Mulattoes, free Negroes and Indians.
[Clause 5] And the better to strengthen the said Parties formerly intended to be raised by the said recited Act, and of the Four other Parties now intended to be raised, be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That each Party shall consist of a Captain or Commander, a Serjeant, Fifteen White Men, Five arm'd Mulattoes, Indians or Negroes, and six Baggage Slaves; and that there shall be allowed to the Four Windward Parties a Surgeon, such as shall be approved and allowed of by the Governour or Commander in Chief for the time being, and one other Surgeon for the Leeward Parties, who shall each have besides Medicines Eight Pounds per Month; which said Surgeons shall also be Commissaries, and are hereby impowered and required to take care of all Provisions, Stores and other Necessaries which shall be sent to them, and issue out the same for the Use of the said Parishes; and shall from time to time give and render a just and true Account thereof to the Commissioners hereafter named, and for their encouragement shall each of them have and receive the farther Sum of Four Pounds per Month.
[Clause 6] And in Order to keep up the said Parties till the said intended Services shall be effected, be it farther enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in Case any Soldier, Mulatto, Indian, free Negroe or Slave happen to be kill'd or wounded, that then and in such Case the next and immediate Commanding Officer in the Parish where such Party shall happen to be, shall upon Notice to him given by the Captain or Commanding Officer of such Party, immediately impress and send another Soldier, Mulatto, Indian or Slave, to supply the Place of the other so kill'd or disabl'd as aforesaid; Respect being always had to the Directions contain'd in the said recited Act, of what Persons ought not to be impress'd in and by the said Act.
[Clause 7] And whereas nothing can more effectually conduce to the speedy Destruction of the said rebellious Slaves, than Parties possessing themselves of their Settlements, or destroying the same when found out, be it farther enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That upon the Discovery of any such Settlement as aforesaid, either in the Windward or Leeward Parishes of this Island, any Party or Parties upon the Finding out or Discovering of the same, shall immediately secure themselves by Stockadoes, or such other Works as by themselves shall be adjudg'd most convenient, or destroy the same; according to the Directions which the Captains or Commanders of such Parties shall have or receive from the Governour or Commander in Chief for the Time being: And to the Intent the Governour may from Time to Time be inform'd of the Proceedings and Progress made by all Captains or Parties, in Order to give such Directions from Time to Time as he shall judge convenient, be it also enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Captain or Commander of each respective Party shall keep an exact and true Journal of all his Daily Proceedings, and transmit with all convenient Opportunities an exact and true Copy thereof, either to the Governour or Commander in Chief for the Time being, or to the Commanding Officer of the Parish where such Parties shall happen to be, who is hereby requir'd forthwith to forward the same; the Truth of which Journals the said Captain shall declare upon Oath when thereunto requir'd.
[Clause 8] And to the Intent the said Parties may from Time to Time be supply'd with Provision and other Necessaries, be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That Charles Chaplin, Esq; and in Case of his Death or Absence the Receiver-General for the Time being, shall be, and is hereby appointed to be Commissioner for the buying, providing and sending Provisions, Shoes, Rum, Sugar, distinguishing Caps, Ammunition, and other Necessaries, for and to the said Parties, as he shall from Time to Time be order'd and directed by her Majesty's Governour for the Time being; and he is hereby farther requir'd and empower'd to lodge in the Hands of such Persons, as he shall think fitting, the abovesaid Necessaries, in such convenient Place, as the Parties may have them with the more Conveniency, either on the North-Side or South-Side of this Island.
[Clause 9] And to the Intent that no Negroes may be supply'd with Arms or Ammunition, be it farther enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person whatsoever, Shop-keeper or other, shall sell to any Slave any Arms, viz. Guns, Pistols, Swords, Lances, Hangers, Matchets or other offensive Arms whatsoever, or any Powder, Ball or Shot, under the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds for every Offence, to be recover'd by Action of Debt in any of her Majesty's Courts of Record; One Half whereof shall be to the Commissioner or Commissioners for the Time being, for and towards the Support and Maintenance of the said Parties, the other Moyety to him or them that shall inform or sue for the same, wherein to Essoign, Protection or Wager of Law shall be allow'd, or Non vult ulterius prosequi be enter'd, any Law, Custom or Usage to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
[Clause 10] And be it farther enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Master or Mistress shall suffer any Negro or other Slave whatsoever to sell or deliver any Powder, Arms, or Ammunition, Drugs or Medicines of any Kind whatsoever, under the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds, to be recover'd from the Master or Mistress of such Slave, so suffering or permitting him or her to sell as aforesaid.
[Clause 11] And be it farther enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the Captain or Commander of any Party or Parties, to impress any One or more Gang or Gangs of Hunting-Dogs, for the Use of the said Parties, as he or they shall see convenient; which Gang or Gangs of Dogs shall be apprais'd by any Two of the nearest neighbouring Freeholders, that the Commander aforesaid shall appoint, both as to the real Value of them all, and as to the Monthly Use thereof; which Monthly Hire or total Value, if they or any of them are kill'd, disable, lost or not return'd, shall be paid by the Commissioner herein appointed, out of the Money appropriated for the Use of Parties.
[Clause 12] And be it farther enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every Person and Persons whatsoever, receiving any Money to pay the said Parties, and delaying the Payment, or by any other Means defrauding the Men thereof, shall forfeit the Sum of One Hundred Pounds for every such Offence.
[Clause 13] And whereas Captain John Richardson, of the Parish of St. Jame's, hath been signally serviceable in Parties against the rebellious Negroes, by whose particular Conduct their Haunts have been discover'd, and several of the said Rebels taken and destroy'd; be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Commissioners hereby appointed shall, in Three Months after the passing of this Act, pay unto the said Captain John Richardson the Sum of Fifty Pounds over and above his Pay, out of the Money appropriated for the Use of Parties, as a Reward for his good Service.
[Clause 14] And whereas a Negro Man nam'd Hilas, now belonging to Job Williams a Minor, the Son of Job Williams of the Parish of St. Anns Planter, hath often signaliz'd himself in Parties against the Rebellious Negroes, and more particularly against the French, who lately attempted a Descent in the said Parish, where he receiv'd Two dangerous Shots, One thro' each Thigh; for Recompence therefore of the said Negro, and for the Encouragement of all other Slaves to engage chearfully in Opposing any Enemy, be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Commissioner in this Act nam'd, shall out of the first Ship that arrives after passing this Act, buy and pay for, out of the Money appropriated for the Use of Parties, One good able Papau or Calimante Negroe Man, near but not exceeding the Value of Forty Pounds, which said Negroe shall be deliver'd unto the said Job Williams Senior, for the Use of the said Job Williams Junior, to him and his Heirs for ever, for and instead of the said Negroe Hilas; and upon the Delivery or Tender of the said new Negroe to the said Job Williams Senior, or by the said Commissioner, or by any other Person whom he shall order or appoint, the said Negro Hilas shall be freed immediately from Slavery, perfectly set at Liberty, and for ever hereafter shall have and enjoy all the Benefit and Privileges that all other free Negroes have or enjoy in this Island, any Sale, Gift, Grant, Law, Custom or Usage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
[Clause 15] And be it farther enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any rebellious Slave or Slaves now amongst the Rebels in this Island, shall be before the Expiration of this Act, surrender himself to any Master of a Family or Overseer, such Slave or Slaves shall be freed from all Corporal Punishment and Loss of Life or Limb, but shall within three Months after such Surrender be transported from this Island, and be sold; and the Money arising from such Sale shall be paid into the Hands of the Commissioner in this Act appointed, for and towards no other Use whatsoever; and the Master of a Family or Overseer, to whom such rebellious Shall shall surrender himself as aforesaid, is hereby oblig'd and required to convey him or them so surrendering as aforesaid to the next commanding Officer of the Militia, who also is hereby strictly obliged and required to convey or cause him to be conveyed to the Commissioner herein appointing, under a sufficient Guard; and whatsoever Master of a Family, Overseer, Military Officer, or Person under his Command on such Guard, shall refuse to do his Duty as is before requir'd, shall forfeit for every such Offence the Sum of One Hundred Pounds.
[Clause 16] And be it farther enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any rebellious or outlying Slave or Slaves shall be drove or come in after the going out of the said Parties, or either of them, the Owner or Owners, or any other Person or Persons knowing thereof, and not endeavouring to apprehend the said Slave or Slaves, nor discovering the same to some or one of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace, or to the next Commission Officer of the Militia, shall forfeit the Sum of one Hundred Pounds for every Slave so entertained, and not discovered as is before required.
[Clause 17] Be it also enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That this Act shall be read at the Head of every Troop of horse, and every Company of Foot in the Militia of this Island, within Forty Days after the passing of the same; and whatsoever Captain or Captains shall neglect or refuse to do the same, shall respectively forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds each.
[Clause 18] Be it therefore farther enacted, That the Secretary of this Island for the time being shall and is hereby required to give a fair Copy of this Act to the Commissioner herein appointed, and to every Colonel of the Militia of this Island if required, who shall cause the same to be read at the Head of each Company of his said Regiment within Forty Days after the passing of this Act, for each of which he shall receive Twenty Shillings, to be paid by the said Commissioner out of the Money appropriated for the Uses of Parties.
[Clause 19] And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That Charles Chaplin, Esq; and in Case of his Death or Absence, the Receiver-General for the time being, shall be, and is hereby appointed sole Commissioner for receiving of all and every Sum and Sums of Money already or hereafter to be appointed for this Use, and for buying and providing of all Necessaries, in the Stead and Room of the late Commissioner.
[Clause 20] And be it also enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That nothing in this Act contained shall be construed, deemed or taken to repeal or make void the said Act, intitled, An Act for the more effectual raising Parties to pursue and destroy rebellious and runaway Slaves; but that all and every Article, Clause, Matter and Thing mentioned and contained in the said Act, and not hereby repealed or altered, shall continue and be in Force and Virtue as fully and effectually, to all Intents and Purposes, as if this present Act had not been made, any thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
[Clause 21] And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Forfeitures mention'd and contained in this Act and not mentioned how to be recovered and disposed of, shall be recovered in the Supream or Grand Court of this Island; one Moyety or half Part of all which said Forfeitures shall be to the Use of the Commissioner or Commissioners for the time being, for and towards the Maintainance of the said Parties, and the other Moyety to him or them that shall inform or sue for the same, wherein no Essoign, Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed, or Non vult ulterius prosequi be enter'd, any Law, Custom or Usage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
Inexact date. Passed 1706-7 and confirmed in 1707.
"An Act for the further Encouragement of Parties, and more Speedy Reduction of Rebellious and Runaway Slaves." Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World, accessed Mar 10, 2025, https://slaveryandfreedomlaws.lib.unb.ca/laws/331