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Enacts, Clause 4.--- “That whatever master or commander of any ship or vessel shall entertain, work, or suffer or permit to be entertained or wrought, on board such ship or vessel, any slave belonging to any inhabitant in this island, (other than the proper slaves of such master or commander) without hiring him from the owner, or having a certificate from the custos rotulorum, or any two justice of the peace, of the precinct wherein the owner of such slave resides, that such slave is at liberty from his owner to hire himself (which certificate shall contain the names of the owner, and of the slave, and the place of the residence of such owner, and for how long time such slave is at liberty to hire himself), such master or commander of ships or other vessels, offending as aforesaid, shall, over and above all other penalties, forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds, to be recovered before any two justices of the peace; who are hereby empowered to summon before them all such offenders, and to hear and determine such offence, and to commit such offender or offenders to the common gaol, there to remain without bail or mainprise, until he hath paid the said forfeiture; any law, custom, or usage, to the contrary notwithstanding.”
Provides, Clause 5.---That master of vessels shall take an oath that they will not hire any slave but from the owner, or such as shall have a certificate from the custos, or two justices of the peace, purporting that such slave is at liberty to hire himself.
Clause 6.---“That all and every person and persons that shall runaway with or carry off, or attempt to run away with or carry off, any other person’s white servant, negro or negroes, from this island, and be taken in the attempt, and convicted thereof, shall be guilty of felony, without benefit of clergy, and suffer as such; any law, custom, or usage, to the contrary notwithstanding.”
"An act to prevent the abuses committed by entertaining, concealing, or carrying off, any of his majesty’s soldiers, any white men or women servants, or slaves, belonging to any of the inhabitants of this island, without tickets; and for the better regulating servants and deciding difference between masters and servants." Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World, accessed Mar 10, 2025, https://slaveryandfreedomlaws.lib.unb.ca/laws/321
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