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WHEREAS sundry horrid and detestable rebellions and conspiracies have been lately formed by several slaves, in divers parts of this island, to destroy the settlements and plantations, and to murder their masters, mistresses, and overseers, and many white persons have been destroyed in such rebellions; and whereas there is room to apprehend that a general massacre of the white people was intended; and whereas Foster, Pembroke, and George, three negro men slaves belonging to the Honourable Charles Price, Esquire, Cuffey, belonging to John Ayscough, Esquire, Billy, a mulatto, belonging to Thomas Nicholas Swigle, Esquire, Blackwall, belonging to His Honour Henry Moore, Esq. Nero, Congo Molly, and Beckford, belonging to Arthur Forest, Esq. Silver, belonging to George Goodwin, Esq. Jemmy; belonging to the estate of John Smith, in the parish of Westmoreland, deceased, and Will, belonging to William Gordon of the parish of Kingston, Esq. have severally been instrumental in discovering the said conspiracies, and active in suppressing the said rebellions; be it therefore enacted by the Lieutenant-Governor, Council, and Assembly of this your Majesty's island of Jamaica, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the authority of the same, That the said negroes and mulatto slaves, named Foster, Pembroke, George, Cuffey, Billy, a mulatto, Blackwall, Yankey, Billy, Philip, London, Moll, Quaco, Nero. Congo Molly, Beckford, Silver, Jemmy, and Will, be, immediately from and after the passing of this act, manumitted and set free, and they and each of them is and are hereby manumitted and set free, of and from all manner of servitude and slavery whatsoever; and that the present receiver-general, or the receiver-general for the time being, do, upon the first day of May next, pay to each of the said negroes and mulatto the sum of five pounds, and do also, on the said first day of May annually, during the several lives of the said respective negroes and mulatto, pay to them and each of them respectively, the sum of five pounds, as a reward for their fidelity and services to the public.
"An Act to make free several negro and mulatto slaves, as a reward for their faithful services in the late rebellion." Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World, accessed Mar 10, 2025, https://slaveryandfreedomlaws.lib.unb.ca/laws/304
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