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Enacts, Clause 1.--- “That, from and after the passing of this act, all possessors of any negro, mulatto, or other slave or slaves, by virtue of any sale or sales upon writ or writs of venditioni exponas, or other writ or process of law, by the provost-marshal or any of his lawful deputies, or the issue and increase of any such slave or slaves, and who have been in the peaceable possession, without suit, claim, or interruption, for the space of seven years next before the making of this act, or shall continue in such peaceable possession from the first possessing of the same, by themselves or those under whom they claim, for and during the space of seven years, shall have, hold, and enjoy, the same, in fee-simple, against all persons whatsoever, and give this act in evidence, or plead it in bar, in or to any replevin, or other suit or suits, to be maintained or brought against him, her, or them, by any person or persons whatsoever, and against all and every claim and demand whatsoever: Provided nevertheless, That infants, women under coverture, persons of nonsane mind and memory, and persons out of this island, shall have liberty, by themselves, their agents, or attornies, to commence their actions in replevin for such negro or other slaves, or the issue or increase of any such negro or other slaves, within such times after the disability removed as are respectively herein after limited; that is to say, infants, within five years after they come to the age of twenty-one years; women under coverture, within five years after the death of their immediate husbands; persons of unsound mind or memory, within five years after they become of sounds minds and memories; and persons of full age out of this island, within five years from the time of such sale or purchase; or otherwise such persons are hereby declared to be barred for ever according to the true intent and meaning of this act; any law, custom, or usage, to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided always, That nothing in this act shall extend, or be construed to extend, to bar the rights of any person or persons intitled in reversion, remainder, or expectancy; but that all and every such person or persons, so intitled in reversion, remainder, or expectancy, shall be at liberty to prosecute such rights within five years after his, her, or their title shall accrue.”
Clause 2.--- “That, from and after the passing of this act, no person or person whatsoever, who have or hath been, for the space of twelve months next before the passing thereof, in the peaceable possession, without suit, claim, or interruption, of any negro, mulatto, or other slave or slaves, or of the issue or increase of any such slave or slaves, or of the issue or increase of any such slave or slaves, or who shall, at any time or times hereafter, hold or possess any such slave or slaves, or the issue of any such slave or slaves, by virtue of any sale or sales, upon writ or writs of venditioni exponas, or other writ or process of law, by the provost-marshal or any of his lawful deputies, or by descent, marriage, or purchase, for valuable consideration, shall be liable to pay any hire, rent, or other satisfaction, by way of mesne profits, for any such slave or slaves, for the time or times he, she, or they, held or possessed the same, or for any part thereof; any law, custom, or usage to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.”
"An act for quieting to purchasers, and those claiming under them, the possession of negro and other slaves purchased under writs of venditioni; and for other purposes." Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World, accessed Mar 10, 2025, https://slaveryandfreedomlaws.lib.unb.ca/laws/246
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