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Enacts, Clause 8. --- “That slaves shall, in no case be distrained on (for quit rents) by such collecting constable or constables, where any other distress can or may be had.”
"An act for repealing certain clauses of “An act for repealing an act entitled ‘An act for the better discovering and collecting the arrears of his majesty’s quit-rents; and for the more effectual collecting of the quit-rents hereafter to become due;’ and for the better discovering, ascertaining, and collecting, such arrears; and for the more effectual collecting the quit-rents hereafter to become due;” and for the more easy and effectual collecting, as well the arrears of his majesty’s quit-rents, as the quit-rents hereafter to become due to his majesty. " Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World, accessed Dec 22, 2024, https://slaveryandfreedomlaws.lib.unb.ca/laws/243
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