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Enacts, Clause 3.--- “That every judgment that shall hereafter be obtained in an action now depending, or hereafter to be brought, in the supreme court of judicature, shall bind slaves, if a judgment of the supreme court, on and from the first day of the court in which such judgment shall be obtained; and if a judgment of either of the courts of assize, on and from the first day of the supreme court next preceding the court of assize in which such judgment shall be obtained, in like manner as, before the passing of an act of this island, entitled, An act for the ease and relief of jurors and suitors of the supreme and certain other courts within this island, slaves were bound by a writ of execution returned levied: Provided, That a writ of execution shall be lodged upon such judgment, returnable the next supreme court that shall be held after such judgment obtained, otherwise the judgment shall only bind slaves from the teste of a writ of execution to be thereon lodged; but it shall not be necessary to have a docket of any such writ served, as has been heretofore by law required, and every such writ shall be of course returned levied.”
Clause 8.--- “That the provost-marshal-general, or his several deputies, shall, from and after the passing of this act, and they are hereby directed and obliged, under the penalty of five hundred pounds, for each and every neglect, to advertise in some public newspaper of this island, all negro or other slaves, cattle, and other property, levied upon by them, and intended to be sold upon writs of venditioni exponas, specifying the names of the parties, plaintiff and defendant, and the particulars of the levy; also that every collecting constable, under the same penalty, shall advertise, in manner aforesaid, the levies by them or him made in default of payment of taxes; which advertisements shall be twice inserted in some weekly newspaper, published nearest to the intended place of sale.”
"An act for the ease and relief of jurors and suitors of the supreme and certain other courts within this island; and for other purposes. " Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World, accessed Mar 10, 2025, https://slaveryandfreedomlaws.lib.unb.ca/laws/239
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