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Enacts, Clause 7.--- “That if any person or persons whatsoever, besides those empowered by the custos or justices of the peace, or by the said officer of the customs, or the constables, as aforesaid, shall enter, or endeavour to enter, on board of any such ship or vessel so in distress or danger as aforesaid, without the leave or consent of the commander or other superior officer of the said ship, or of the said officer of the customs, or the said constables, or some or one of them employed for the preservation of the said ship or vessel as aforesaid, or in case any person shall molest him, them, or any of them, in the saving of the said ship, vessel, or goods, or shall endeavour to impede or hinder the saving of any such ship, vessel, or goods, or when any such goods are saved, shall take out or deface the marks of any such goods before the same shall be taken down in a book or books for that purpose, provided by the commanding or ruling officer and the officer of the customs aforesaid, such person or persons shall, within twenty-eight days, make double satisfaction to the party grieved, at the discretion of any three or more of the next justices of the peace, and in default thereof shall be committed to the common gaol of the county wherein such offence shall be committed, for the space of six calendar months: Provided always, That if any slave shall commit such offence, such slave, upon due and proper proof thereof, shall, upon conviction at the ensuing slave-court, be punished with transportation or confinement to hard labour for life, or a limited time, or with such other punishment as, according to the circumstances with which such offence shall have been committed, the court shall in their discretion think proper to inflict.”
Clause 11.--- Provides, That if a slave shall unlawfully carry or convey, or conceal, any of the cargo or effects of a vessel lost or stranded, such slave “shall be punished with confinement to hard labour for life or a limited time, or such other punishment, according to the circumstances of the case, as the slave-court, by whom such slave is hereby directed to be tried, shall in their discretion think proper to inflict:” and the same punishment, as well as transportation, according to circumstances, is provided by the following clause, if found offering such goods for sale.
Clause 13.--- Provides, That slave assaulting, beating, or wounding, any justice of the peace, custom-house officer, or person lawfully authorized, in the exercise of their duty or in or concerning salvage, or preservation of any vessel in distress, to be punished with death, transportation, or confinement to hard labour for life, or for a limited time.
"An act for preserving all such ships or vessels, and goods belonging thereto, which shall happen to be forced on shore or stranded on the coasts of this island; for preventing the stealing or detaining of shipwrecked goods; for regulating the adjustment and payment of salvage to such persons as assist in preserving such ships, vessels, or goods. " Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World, accessed Mar 10, 2025, https://slaveryandfreedomlaws.lib.unb.ca/laws/211
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