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In as much as there are disperst within the Town and Limits of Plymouth in this Island Several Thacht Houses which [remainder of line obscured by crease] but likewise are harbours of several Idle persons. We your Majestys most obedient and Loyal Subjects Christopher Codrington Esquire. Captain General and Governor in Chief of your Majesty’s Leeward Charribee Islands the Lieutenant Governor Council and Assembly of the Your Majestys Island of Montserrat most humbly pray your Sacred Majesty that it may be enacted and be it and it is hereby enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid that from and after the first Day of November next ensuing no Thatcht House Cottage or Cabbin be Suffered or allowed to Stand or abide in the Said Town of Plymouth or limits thereof and if after the first Day of November any Thacht House Cottage or Cabbin Shall be found standing or abiding in any part within the said Town or limits thereof it is hereby Enacted by the authority aforesaid that the Lieutenant Governor or President for the time being be and is hereby Empowered and Enabled to issue his Warrant to the Provost Marshall or his Lawful Deputy and the Constables of the said Town to Raze destroy and pull down all such Thatcht Houses Cottages or Cabbins as shall be found within the Town of Plymouth or Limits thereof.
And for asmuch as the Limits of the said Town and doubtful and uncertain We pray it may be and it is farther Enacted that the Bounds & Limits of the said Town of Plymouth Shall at all times hereafter be taken and deemed to extend one Furlong on all Sides from the Fort of the said Town and no farther and that no person or persons may hereafter presume to build or Set any Thatcht House Cottage or Cabbin within the said Town of Plymouth or Limits as aforesaid We pray it may be and it is hereby further Enacted that all persons that have hold Possess or enjoy any parcels of Land within the same which shall build Erect or Set up or that shall procure or Suffer to be built Erected or Set up any Thatcht House Cottage or Cabbin shall forfeit two thousand pounds of Sugar together with the Land the said Thatcht House Cottage or Cabbin shall Stand upon the same to be one half to Her Majesty her Heirs and Successors for and towards the Support of this Island the other half to the informer to be recovered by Bill Plaint or Information in any Court within this Island any Law Usage or Custom to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding.
And in as much as there are living not only in and about the Said Town of Plymouth but most other parts of this Island Several Isle People and persons of base and evil fame who live by their private and clandestine Trade with Negroes and Slaves encouraging them to cheat and Steal from their Masters and owners Provisions Sugar Rum Mollasses and other the Manufactures Production and Growth of the Island which could not be done undetected were not the said persons abettors and receivers of the same who well knowing they are safe against Law so long as no Evidence but that of Slaves can be brought against them which hitherto hath not been held Valid against any Person therefore for the future preventing the further impoverishing your Majesty’s Said Subjects by the said Persons Secret dealing combination and [21] Trading with their Slaves. We pray it may be and it is hereby Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid that if any such Person living in any part of this Island and having no visible or apparent way of maintenance or livelyhood shall buy or receive any of the said Goods or other commodities whatsoever or have any Trade or dealing with any Slave whatsoever without the Knowledge or consent of the Master or owner of such Slave and shall be convicted thereof before any of the Judges of Record within the said Island and one of their Assistants by any such Evidence as the said Judge and assistant shall Judge Sufficient in their own Judgement and Conscience notwithstanding, it may not be according to the Strict Custom and letter of the Law that then the said Person or persons so convicted Shall Suffer such Corporal Punishment (extending to Life or Member) as the said Judge and Assistant shall adjudge him or them to Suffer or pay such Fine or Fines as they the said Judge and Assistant shall appoint the same to be Levyed or Executed by Warrant from the said Judge and Assistant as the said Warrant shall direct always provided the said Judge and assistant have due regard and give Judgement not extending to life or Member but to pay such Fine or Fines according to the true Merit of the Fact Committed and not otherwise allways provided that no Fine laid or intended by Virtue of this Act shall exceed or Amount to more than twenty pounds Current Money of this Island.
And be it likewise further Enacted that if upon any Judges Warrant directed to the Provost Marshall or to his Lawful Deputy and the Constables within his Division for the Searching any Suspected Houses there Should be found therein any Goods or Merchandize of the Growth or Production of this Island or any other place the proof shall lye on the Claimer or on him or them in whose Custody it shall be so found how and by what means they came by such Goods or Commodities there and then taken which proof shall be made by the Oath of the party from whom they received or bought the same to be administered by the Judge who issued Said Warrant and for want of due proof as aforesaid all Commodities and Merchandize so found and taken shall be restored to the right owner if known or otherwise to be Forfeited to Her Majesty Her Heirs and Successors for and towards the Support of the Government of this Island and the contingent charges thereof and without farther process to be Sold at a Publick Sale by the Marshall or Deputy who are hereby required to under the true Value as Sold for to the Treasurer when demanded and moreover the persons in whose Custody such Goods as aforesaid were taken shall by lyable to Pay any Fine the Judge and his assistant shall think fit to impose not exceeding twenty Pounds Current Money otherwise to Suffer such Punishment as is before Provided in this Act.
And for as much as many inconveniences do oftentimes arise by Seamen or Sailors frequenting such Thatcht Houses or Cottages as also Taverns and Rum punch Houses whereby the dispatch of such Ships or Vessels as they belong to are retarded or prolonged be it and it is hereby Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid that from and after the Date of this Present Act any person whatsoever keeping a house of entertainment Tavern Punch House or that shall reside in any Cottage who shall for any Liquor or Victuals Credit or Trust and Seaman or Sailor for more than the Value of one piece of Eight during the Stay of such Vessel or Ship which he belongs to for that Present Voyage shall Lose whatsoever money they shall Credit or Trust Such Seaman or Sailor with and that no Magistrate shall take any Cognizance any Plea or Plaint made to him for any Sum exceeding one piece of Eight as aforesaid. Dated in Mountserratt the thirteenth Day of June in the first Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Anne Anno Dom 1702.
Jos. Littell Speaker
Signed Chr. Codrington
Confirmed by Her Majesty in Council the Eighth Day of May 1703.
By Order of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations} A True Copy Examined
Edward [?] Popple, Secretary
Whitehall September 26: 1724
Montserratt September the 4th 1725. Published by Order of the Lieutenant Governor & Council
John Hartt
D. P. Marshall
Recorded the foregoing Act by Order of the Honourable the Lieutenant Governor & Council (Intituled an Act to prevent Hazzards and Inconveniences that may happen by Thatcht Houses in the Town of Plymouth and clandestine dealings with Negroes) and is a true Copy taken and Examined from a Copy Sent from the Lords Comissioners for Trade and Plantations and under the Seal of the Office
Mountserratt December 16: 1725. Geo. Ffrench Jun. D. Secretary
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