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Preamble. Whereas of late many Negroes have been suffered to remain at the Meeting of Quakers as hearers of their Doctrine, and taught in their Principles; whereby the safety of this Island may be much harzarded;
Clause I. Be it therefore enacted by his Excellency Sir Jonathan Atkins, Knight, Captain General, and Chief Governour of this and other the Charibbee-Islands, the Council and Representatives of this Island, And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if at any time or times after Publication hereof, any Negro or Negroes be found with the said people called Quakers, at any of their Meetings, and as Hearers of their Preachings, That such Negro or Negroes shall be forfeited, that is to say, one half to the Party or Parties, that shall seize or sue for such Negro or Negroes, if the Negro or Negroes belong to nay of the said People called Quakers, and the other Moyety to the publick use of the said Island.
Provided, That if the said Negro or Negroes be seized, that the Party Parties so seizing, shall bring an Action within Three Months, grounded upon this Statute against the Owner or Supposed Owner of the said Negro or Negroes in any Court of Common Pleas within this Island, at the the Choice of the Informer. And in all Suits upon this Statue, the Defendant and Defendants therein having Ten Days Summons, as is used at the Courts of Common Please, at the first Court after Summons shall appear, plead and come to Trial, or the Court to give Judgments on every Action grounded on this Statue, Execution immediately to issue.
Clause II. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if such Negro or Negroes being at the Meetings aforesaid, and doth not belong to any of the Persons present at the same Meeting, then may any Person or Persons bring an Action grounded upon this Statute against any of the Persons present at the said Meetings at the Election of the Informer, for the Sum of Ten Pounds Sterling for every Negro or Negroes so present as aforesaid, and shall recover Ten Pounds Sterling for every such Negro or Negroes, to be divided in the manner before expressed; on which Action or Actions there shall be such Proceedings as is before appointed.
Clause III. And it is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that no Person or Persons whatsoever, shall keep any School or Schools to instruct any Child or Children in any Learning, unless such Person or Persons in one Month after Publication hereof, first take the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy before some Justice of the Peace of the Parish where such Person lives, and have a Certificate thereof; For which Certificate the Justices Clerk only to take for the Writing one Shilling Sterling; or that the Party have special License form the Governour for the time being of the Island.
And if any Person or Persons keep any School or Schools contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Act, shall for such Offence suffer Three Months Imprisonment, without Bail or Mainprize, and shall forfeit Three Thousand Pounds of Muscovadoe Sugar, the one Moyety to the Informer, the other to the publick use of this Island, to be sued for, and recovered as aforesaid.
Clause IV. And it is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person or Persons whatsoever, That is not an Inhabitant and Resident of this Island, and hath been so for the space of Twelve Months together, shall hereafter publickly Discourse or Preach at the Meeting of the Quakers, upon the Penalty of suffering Six Months Imprisonment, without Bail or Mainprize, and shall forfeit Ten Thousand Pounds of Muscovadoe Sugar, the one Moyety to such Person as shall sue for the same, the other to the publick use of this Island, to be recovered in manner aforesaid; Provided that all Action or Actions upon this Statute be brought within Six Months next after the Offence.
Read, and pass'd the Council and consented to by his Excellency, the 21st of April, 1676. Edwin Stede, Deputy Secretary.
Read and pass'd the Assembly, Nemine contradicente, the 19th of April, 1676. John Higginbothom, Cl. of the Assemn.
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Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World © 2023 by Stefanie Hunt-Kennedy is marked with CC0 1.0.