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VII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That if any white Person or Persons shall be convicted of cutting down, taking up, removing, or wilfully destroying any Beacon, Buoy, stake, or other Mark heretofore erected, or to be erected or placed within the said River, such Person shall forfeit and pay Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money, for each and every Offence; to be recovered and applied as aforesaid: And in Case any Negro shall be guilty of the same Offence, the Master of such Negro shall be subject to the Penalty of Five Pounds, Proclamation Money; recoverable, and to be applied in the same Manner.
VIII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That if any white Person do, or shall hereafter make fast any Raft, Pettiaugua, or other Boat, to any of the Stakes, Buoys, or Beacons, within the said Rives, the Person so offending shall forfeit and pay Five Pounds, Proclamation Money; and any Negro guilty of the like Offence, the Master or Owner of such Negro to be liable to the like Forfeiture; to be recovered and applied as other Fines by this Act are directed.
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