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WHEREAS doubts have arisen whether negro, mulatto, and other slaves, devised by wills not executed according to the statute of the twenty-ninth year of king Charles the second, commonly called the statute of frauds and perjuries, do pass by such wills; and suits at law have been commenced, and others may be commenced, between the heirs at law and devises of testators making such wills, to their great trouble and expence: May it please your majesty that it may be enacted and declared, by the governor, council, and assembly, of this your majesty's island of Jamaica, and it is hereby enacted and declared by the authority of the same, That all devises of negroes in wills heretofore made, or hereafter to be made, and duly proved and recorded in the secretary's office of this island on or before the first day of January, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven, and not executed according to the form of the said statute of frauds and perjuries, have been , and shall be, good and valid to pass such negro, mulatto, and other slaves, according to the intent and meaning of such wills: And from and immediately after the said first day of January, no devise of any negro, mulatto, or other slave, by will shall be good and valid in law to pass such negro, mulatto, or other slave, unless such will shall be duly executed according to the form prescribed by the said statute of the twenty-ninth year of king Charles the second, commonly called the statute of frauds and perjuries; any law, custom, or usage, to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.
"An act to regulate the devises of negro, mulatto, and other slaves, in wills." Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World, accessed Mar 10, 2025, https://slaveryandfreedomlaws.lib.unb.ca/laws/277
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