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Enacts, Clause 3.--- “That all and every book and books kept, before the passing of this act, for the tolling of a negro and other slaves, by the clerks of the vestries for the parishes of St. Dorothy and St. Thomas in the Vale, and the respective tolls kept and entered therein, shall be, and the same are hereby declared to be, good and valid in law, to all intents and purposes, as if such toll-books respectively had been kept, and the tolls therein entered, by the clerk of the peace appointed for the said parishes respectively; and which respective entries in such toll-books shall be as goods and valid, and shall be held, deemed, and adjudged, to be a sufficient record and evidence in any court of record within this island, as other tolls and the entries therein are by law already declared to be.”
Clause 4.--- “That the clerks of the Vestry of the said parishes of St. Dorothy and St. Thomas in the Vale, shall, upon request made to them respectively by the clerk of the peace appointed for the said parishes, transmit to him the said respective toll-books, in order that the same may be kept in his office as records, in the same manner as the other toll-books of the precinct are kept.”
Clause 5.--- “That, from and after the passing of this act, if any person or persons whatsoever shall rase or efface any of the entries of tolls, entered in such respective toll-books, so kept by the clerks of the vestry for the said parishes of St. Dorothy and St. Thomas in the Vale, as aforesaid, such person or persons so offending shall suffer such punishment as the law hath provided against such as rase and embezzle records.”
"An act to establish the probates of all deeds and conveyances, which have been proved and acknowledged in this island since the second day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight, before persons who had been appointed judges under an act entitled “An act to enlarge the jurisdiction of the several inferior courts of common pleas,” and since the repeal thereof, good and valid in that respect only; as also to establish the probates of all deeds and conveyances, taken and acknowledged by justices of assize, good and valid in that respect only; and to establish certain toll-books for the parishes of St. Dorothy and St. Thomas in the Vale, as records." Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World, accessed Dec 22, 2024, https://slaveryandfreedomlaws.lib.unb.ca/laws/305
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