Full Transcript
[Clause I.] WE your Majesty’s most dutiful and loyal Subjects, Robert Melvill, Esquire, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over all your Majesty’s Southern Caribbee islands in America, the Council and Assembly of this your Majesty’s Island of Saint Vincent, humbly pray your Most Excellent Majesty, that it may be Enacted, and be it, and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Negroes and other Slaves after the Date of this Act shall and are hereby declared to be Real Estate, and not Chattels, and shall descend unto the Heirs according to the Custom and Manner of Inheritence held in Fee Simple, and Widows shall be capable of being endowed thereof: Provided always, that any Executor or Administrator may inventory the said Negroes and other Slaves, but not take them into his Custody, to the Intent that if there be not sufficient Goods and Chattels to pay the Deceased’s Debts, the said negro, and other Slaves shall be taken for Payment of the said Debts, and be Chattels to that Purpose, and not otherwise.
[Clause II.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person seised of any Negros or other Slaves for the Term of his, her, or another’s Life only, or if any Widow seised of any Negro or other Slaves of the Dower of her Husband, shall send off, or directly or indirectly consent to the sending off this Island, or shall sell or dispose of any such Negro or other Slaves, so that they or any of them are sent off this Island as aforesaid, without the lawful Consent of him, her, or them, in Reversion or Remainder, being of full Age, and also of the Executor or Administrator, where they are liable to the Payment of Debts for the Want of other Effects, or the Trustee or Trustees where they are held for the Use of any other; or if any such Widow shall marry a Husband who shall send off or consent to the sending off, or to the selling or disposing of any such Negro or other Slaves, so that they are sent off as aforesaid, without the lawful Consent of him, her, or them, in Reversion or Remainder, the Executors or Administrators of every of them, or Trustees as aforesaid, then and in such Case the Person or persons in Reversion or Remainder, or the Executors or Administrators, and every of them, or those who have any Trust reposed in them for the Use of any other, is and are hereby impowered to have an Action or Actions at Law against such Tenant for Life, Widow, or Husband, for the Recover of Treble the full Value of such Negro or other Slaves sent off as aforesaid; and if any such Tenant for Life, Widow, or Husband, so holding any Negro or other Slaves, shall wilfully destroy, maim, or disable any Negro or other Slaves so held, such Person so destroying, maiming, or disabling, shall pay Treble the Value of such negro destroyed, maimed, or disabled, to the Person or Persons in the Reversion or Remainder, or such Executor or Administrator, or Trustees as before described, to be recovered in the same Manner as is above directed for sending Slaves off this Island.
[Clause III.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That for the better preserving Negro and other Slaves on Estates in this Island, and for saving Estates from being ruined by the entire Recovery of Legacies left by Testators, and of just Debts due from their Estates, which might with more Ease be paid, without injuring any Persons concerned, by the allowance of a little longer Time for the payment of such Debts or Legacies, after they shall become due, it shall and may be lawful for any Executor, Administrator, or any other Person in Trust, not having sufficient Effects in his or their Hands belonging to the Testator, or the Estate that he or they are intrusted for, out of his or their own Monies to pay and satisfy, or cause to be paid or satisfied, any Legacy or just Debt, after the same shall become due from the Estate, that the Negroes may be preserved on the Plantation, and prevented from being levied on and carried from it, which would inevitably ruin the same, and put it out of a Capacity of recovering itself again; and what Money an Executor, Administrator, or other person in Trust shall pay or satisfy, or cause to be paid and satisfied, for the discharging such Legacies and Debts as aforesaid, the Estate shall stand and remain a Security for the Money paid or satisfied, or to be paid as aforesaid, with Interest for the same, at and after the Rate of Six Pounds per Cent. per Annum, until the same shall be fully paid and satisfied.
[Clause IV.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That any Person who shall take up any Slave or Slaves belonging to another, and shall keep the said Slave or Slaves in his or their Custody or Plantation longer than Twenty-four Hours, without sending the said Slave or Slaves to the Owner they belong to (if he or they can any Way know them) or without delivering the said Slave or Slaves to the Provost Marshal of this Island for the Time being, shall, for every Day each Slave (not being of any Trade) is kept or entertained by him or them, after the first Twenty-four Hours, forfeit Twelve Shillings; but if the Slave detained be of any Trade, then the Person detaining him shall forfeit Twenty-four Shillings each Day he shall detain such Slave; and if the Forfeiture incurred by such Detention be under Ten Pounds, the same may be recovered before any Justice of the peace, to be levied on such Person’s Goods and Chattels, and in Default thereof on his or their Person or Persons; but if the Forfeiture so incurred be above Ten Pounds, then the same may be recovered by Action of Debt at Common Law, in which no Protection, Essoign, or Wager of Law shall be allowed.
[Clause V.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That any Person who shall delude, entice, or persuade any Slave or Slaves, being in quiet Possession of another, out of his or their Owner’s or Possessor’s Custody by any Encouragement or Inducement whatsoever, shall be liable to the same Penalty for every Day that the said Slave or Slaves, by their Means or Procurement, be absent from their Owner’s or Master’s Service, as in case of entertaining a Runaway longer than Twenty-four Hours, and to be recovered after the same Manner; and every Person who shall violently, or by Force or otherwise, take any Person’s Slave or Slaves out of his or their Owner’s or Possessor’s Plantation or Custody, shall be deemed guilty of Robbery, and shall be indicted, and shall suffer as in Cases of Robbery; and any Person or Persons who shall entice or delude away from his or their Owner or Owners any Slave or Slaves, and shall carry or endeavour to carry such Slave or Slaves off this Island, shall be guilty of Felony, and excluded the Benefit of Clergy.
[Clause VI.] And whereas Persons who illegally detain other’s Slaves and employ them in their Service do it so cunningly and secretly that Evidence by White Persons cannot be had against them, Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that upon Suspicion of any illegal detaining or employing, any Justice of the Peace shall and is hereby required, upon Application, to issue a Summons against the Party accused, requiring him, her, or them to attend at a certain Day to answer the Premise, and being attended, the said Justice shall appoint a Day, not exceeding Six Days, for the Trial, of which the Accused is to take Notice and attend accordingly, and the Justice is hereby empowered to issue Summons for Witnesses to attend, directed to a Constable; and on the Trial such Justice shall and may examine him, her, or them accused, and all the Witnesses, on his, her, or their Oath (and, if Quakers, on solemn Affirmation) concerning such illegal detaining and employing; and if confessed by the Party or Parties accused, or proved by any other Evidence, such Justice shall give Judgment for the Party injured to recover, as hereinbefore directed, any sum under Ten Pounds as aforesaid, and the Justice giving Judgment shall make a Record of his Proceedings, and return it into the Secretary’s Office under his Hand and Seal, and the Complainant or Party injured may sue forth Execution thereon after the Expiration of Six Days from giving the Judgment, by a Warrant under the hand and Seal of the Secretary of this Island, or his lawful Deputy, directed to the Provost Marshal or his Deputy, or any Constable; and it shall be levied on the Offender’s Goods and Chattels, and those immediately to be carried to the next Town, and sold by Outcry, at the Expence of the Offender or Offenders, and the Debt and Costs thereout satisfied; and in Default of Goods and Chattels sufficient of the Offender’s to be found for the Purpose aforesaid, he or they shall be taken and imprisoned upon such Execution till Satisfaction made of the Judgment, and all Fees; and the Justice, for hearing the Trial and making out the Record, shall and may receive Twelve Shillings and no more; and the Secretary may receive Eighteen Pence for filing, and Three Shillings for the Execution; and the Marshal, his Deputy, or Constable, may receive Six Shillings for executing the Warrant upon such Offender’s Body, if no Goods or Chattels; and if levied on Goods and Chattels, then he shall, besides the said Six Shillings, be entitled to Eighteen Pence in the Pound for levying and selling, and such Recovery before a Justice of the Peace shall be at a Bar to any further Prosecution whatsoever for the same Offence.
[Clause VII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if the Accused, after knowing the Day of Trial, or any Person or Persons whatsoever, being duly summoned as aforesaid for the Space of Four and Twenty Hours to attend at the Day of Trial as Witnesses, or otherwise, shall neglect to attend, the Party accused shall for such Neglect forfeit Ten Pounds Current Money, to be recovered before any One Justice of the Peace, and levied by his Warrant to the Provost Marshal or a Constable on the Offender’s Goods, and sold as last mentioned in case of Executions levied, to the Use of the Party complaining; and every Witness duly summoned, being able to attend and not attending, shall forfeit Five Pounds to the Party grieved, to be recovered as last mentioned, and then another Day, on such Failure of the accused Parties attending, or the attending of any material Witness summoned, shall be granted for Trial on the Complainant’s desiring such further Day, and on his Payment of such Fees and Costs down for such further Day, as the Justice and others shall be entitled to.
[Clause VIII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That whatsoever Master, Mistress, Owner, or Renter of any Plantation in this Island, being thereupon resident, and not being Abroad from his or her Plantation, or where there is no such Resident on the Plantation, then if the Manager or Overseer of any such Plantation, and having the Care thereof, and being thereon resident, and at Home, shall suffer any Slaves to beat any Drum or empty Cask, or great Gourds, or to blow Horns, Shells, or loud Instruments for the Diversion or Entertainment of Slaves in his, her, or their Plantation, he, she, or they shall forfeit Twenty Pounds Current Money of this Island for every such Offence, unless they suppress the same in One Hour after it begins; provided that Information thereof be given upon Oath to One of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for this Island, within One Week after the Offence is committed.
[Clause IX.] And be it also further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That every Master, Mistress, or Overseer of a Family shall, under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings Current Money, Cause all his or her Negro Houses to be searched every Fourteen Days at the least for Runaway Negroes, Clubs, Wooden Swords, and other mischievous Weapons, and also for stolen Goods; and what they suspect to be stolen they shall seize, and give Notice thereof to the Clerk or Constable of the Parish, within Six Days after, who shall set up a short Notice in Writing of the same, on the Posts of the Church Door, whereby the Loser, declaring the Marks, or describing the Goods, may have the same again without Cost or Charges.
[Clause X.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons whatsoever shall hereafter buy, barter, or truck for, or receive by any Means of or from any Slave or Slaves, any Sugar, Cotton, Rum, Molasses, Ginger, Cocoa, Coffee, or other Goods or Merchandize (except it be Logs of Wood, Fire Wood, Fresh Fish, and Dunghill Fowls, Goats, Hogs, Roots, and Vegetables of any Sort) without the Knowledge or Consent of the Master or Owner of Negro or other Slave or Slaves, signified by Note in Writing, specifying the Nature and Quantity of the Goods, or by sending some White person with such Negro or other Slave or Slaves, upon Complaint made to the next Justice of the Peace, the person or Person so offending shall be bound to his or their good Behaviour, and to appear at the next Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held for this Island, and to be fined any Sum not exceeding Twenty Pounds, or double the Value of the Goods so clandestinely bought.
[Clause XI.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for every Constable within this Island, and to and for the Clerk or Clerks of the Market for the Time being, his or their Deputy or Deputies, who shall have taken the Oath appointed by law, and to and for every other Person or Persons whatsoever, to seize and apprehend all such Negro and other Slaves in whose Custody he or they shall find any Sugar Canes whole or in Pieces, Muscovado or other Sugars, Syrup, Rum, or Molasses, Coffee, Cocoa, Cotton, Tobacco in Legs, any Plate, whether wrought or melted down, or any other Goods of Value, or of what Nature or Quality soever, if suspected to be stolen or dishonestly come by, and shall carry such Slave or Slaves, with all such Goods as shall be found in their Custody, before the next Justice of the Peace, before whom if sufficient Proof shall not be made to his Satisfaction that the same Goods were delivered or sent by the Master or Mistress of such Negro or other Slaves, or by such as shall act under him or them, to be sold or disposed of as aforesaid, and there is no such Note in Writing as afore-mentioned, the said Goods, and every of them, shall be adjudged forfeited, One Half to the Informer or Seizer, and the other Half to the Poor of the Parish, unless the true and lawful Owner of any Goods so seized shall (after public Notice given by such Justice, by sticking up such Notice in Writing of such Seizure, describing the Goods, and the particular Marks, and affixing the same to every Parish Church Door in this Island at least Ten Days before he returns such seized Goods forfeited, which such Justice is hereby required to do) appear and claim, and shall proved to the Satisfaction of such Justice that he or she is the rightful Owner thereof, in such Case the Justice shall cause such Goods to be returned to such Owner, upon his or her paying Thirty Shillings for his Trouble therein, and other Charges attending the Trial.
[Clause XII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons shall buy, barter, or truck for, or receive by any unlawful Means, from any Slave or Slaves, any Goods or Chattels whatsoever, knowing the same to be stolen, although the principal Felon or Felons is or are not known or convict, such person or Persons shall and may be prosecuted thereof at the Court of Sessions, or of Oyer and Terminer, and shall and may be fined as for Misdemeanor, any Sum not exceeding One Hundred Pounds current Money of this Island, nor less than Twenty Pounds like Money, and be imprisoned also for any Time not exceeding One Year; and in case of such Offender’s being unable, neglecting, or refusing to pay the Fine immediately, such Offender shall undergo such other Corporal Punishment, instead of the same Fine, by Whipping or Pillory, as the Court shall think fit; and upon a Conviction of the like Offence as last mentioned a Second Time, the Person offending shall be deemed a Felon. [4]
[Clause XIII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person shall be convicted of a Misdemeanor for buying, battering [sic], or trucking with Negro or other Slave or Slaves, contrary to this Act, such Conviction shall be a Bar to any other Prosecution for being accessary to the Felony committed by the Principal, if the Principal be afterwards convicted; and all Fines hereby laid on Person convicted of buying, bartering, or receiving Goods from Slaves, shall be to the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, for the public Uses of this Island, and the Support of the Government thereof; and all and every Person and Persons on whom or in whose Possession any lost or stolen Goods shall be found, it shall be deemed Evidence against him, her, or them, that they bought, trucked, or bartered for such Goods of or with a Slave, so far as to make him or them liable only to a Misdemeanor by virtue of this Act, unless such Person or Persons shall give sufficient Evidence to the Court how he came by the Goods, and it shall not be in any way necessary in the Indictment or Information for such Misdemeanor to name particularly the Slave or Slaves of whom bought, had, bartered, trucked, or received, but the laying it to be from a Slave unknown shall be sufficient.
[Clause XIV.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Provost Marshal of this Island, or his lawful Deputy, shall be obliged to receive all Runaways (brought to him) into his Custody, and shall pay the Bringer Twelve Shillings for taking up each Runaway, and Twelve Pence per Mile for as many Miles as each Runaway negro is brought to the Jail from the Place taken at, and the said Marshal or Deputy shall keep the said Slave or Slaves in safe Custody, and in a List at the Prison Door shall insert the Names of such Runaway Negroes and other Slaves in his Custody, and shall further cause an Advertisement to be inserted in the Public Gazette of this Island, within Six Days next after receiving each Negro in the Common Jail, containing the Name or Names of such Negro or Negroes in his Custody, their Age and Master’s Name, if known, but if not known an exact Description of the Person of such Negro or Negroes, which Advertisement shall be re-published once in every Month whilst such Negro or Negroes shall continue in Jail; but in case there shall be no Public Gazette published in this Island, then such Advertisement as aforesaid shall by the said Marshal or his Deputy be put up at the Door of each Parish Church in this Island within Three Days as aforesaid, under the Penalty aforesaid; and in case the said Marshal shall refuse to pay the said Bringer, or to receive the said Slave so brought, or put up and publish his or their Names as aforesaid, he shall forfeit Five Pounds for every such Fault, to be recovered before any Justice.
[Clause XV.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in case the said Marshal or his Deputy wilfully or neglectfully suffers an Escape of the Slave by him received or employs him in any Work, he shall pay the Owner as in case of any Person’s detaining another’s Slave above Twenty-four Hours, until such Slave be delivered to the Owner; and in case any such Slave shall perish in his Custody for Want, he shall forfeit Fifty Pounds like Money, and the Marshal shall be entitled and be paid Three Shillings for taking such Slave into his Custody, and Twelve Pence each Twenty-four Hours the Slave lies In Prison, as also upon the Marshal’s Delivery of any Slave to the Owner or Possessor of the same, he shall be paid the further Sum of Three Shillings, besides the Twelve Shillings for taking up, and Twelve Pence per Mile, which the Bringer of the said Slave has received from him; and if any Slave or Slaves lie so long as Three Months after the proper Publication as aforesaid, such Slave or Slaves is and are to be taken out and sold at Outcry for the Fees, by Order of Two Justices of the Peace, and the Overplus, if any there be, after the paying the aforesaid Fees, and all the above-mentioned Charges, shall be returned to the Owner, or for the Want of knowing such Owner to the Treasurer for the Time being, to remain to the Use of the Public till the Owner shall appear; and the Provost Marshal or his Deputy shall be obliged upon Oath to account and pay, once every Year at least, unto the Treasurer for the Time being, all such Money that such Negro or other Slaves shall be sold for, on Forfeiture for every such Neglect of the Sum of Twenty Pounds to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, for the public Uses of this Island, and the Support of the Government thereof.
[Clause XVI.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Marshal or Deputy shall refuse to deliver any Slave received by him as a Runaway, on Tender of his legal Fees and Disbursements, he shall not only lose his Fees, but shall likewise pay the Owner or Possessor, as in case of wrongfully detaining another’s Slave, for each Day detained after Tender made.
[Clause XVII.] And be it also further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That any Person taking up a Runaway, and knowing his or her Master, Owner, or Possessor, either by the Slave’s Confession or otherwise, shall, on Penalty of Forfeiture of Forty Shillings, carry such Slave so known, or cause him to be carried to his Master or owner, and not to the Gaol or the Marshal; and if any such Master or Owner shall refuse to pay Twelve Shillings for taking up such Slave, and Twelve Pence per Mile for the Distance he was taken up at (being brought to him) shall, besides the said Fees, forfeited Forty Shillings. [5]
[Clause XVIII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Retailer or Retailers of strong Liquors, after the Publication hereof, shall sell any Liquor or Liquors, of what Nature or Quality soever, to any Slave or Slaves, under Pain and Penalty of Three Pounds, Current Money, for every such Offence so committed; and all Justices of the Peace and Constables are hereby required, and fully impowered, to disperse all unusual Concourses of Negroes in or about the Towns, or elsewhere, on Sundays or other holidays, and to take up, or cause to be take up, all Negroes who shall be found armed with Clubs, or other offensive Weapons, or playing at Dice, or other unlawful Sports, or drinking in the Public Houses; and such Negroes, so taken up, shall be whipped by Order of the Justice, at the Discretion of such Justice.
[Clause XIX.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person shall employ any Slave in selling or disposing of any Goods, Wares, or Merchandize in Shops or otherwise, such Persons, upon Proof, either by Confession of the Party, or by the Oath of One Witness, of such Slave’s having been so employed, shall forfeit for each offence the Sum of Five Pounds, Current Gold and Silver Money, to any Person who shall inform against him, to be recovered before One or more of His Majesty’s Justices for this Island.
[Clause XX.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Master or Mistress, Owner or Renter of any Slave, or any other Person or Persons whatsoever, shall order or direct, or shall knowingly permit or suffer any Slave, on any Pretence whatsoever, to go at large, and be at Liberty to hire himself or herself out, and to seek for Business or Employment of any Kind, either in the Town or in the Country, or shall take or receive from any Slave or Slaves any Sum or Sums of Money, or other Consideration, for allowing or giving up such Slave his or their own Time, such Master or Mistress, or Renter, shall forfeit not less than Five Pounds, or more than Ten Pounds, to any person who shall inform of the same before any Justice of the Peace, who is hereby required to hear and determine the same; and any Person who shall employ or take into his or her Service any Slave belonging to another Person, without Agreement and Consent of such other Person, or who shall pay, or cause to be paid to any Slave (though openly and legally rented to him or her) the Wages due for the Work and Labour of such Slave, or any Part thereof, except it be by the Order, Direction, and Consent of the Person from whom such Slave is hired, shall forfeit the Sum of Five Pounds to the informer, to be recovered as last aforesaid; and if any Slave or Slaves shall, without the Privity or Knowledge of his, her, or their Master, Mistress, Renter, or Possessor, or Owner, go about the Country seeking Business or Employment, or shall sell any Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, it shall be lawful for any person meeting with, or knowing of any such Slave so offending, to carry him or her to any Justice of the Peace, who is hereby authorized, impowered, and required to order him or her, so offending, any Number of Stripes not exceeding Thirty-nine; and if such Slave shall assert that he or she was to give any Thing for his or her Liberty, or that he or she had Leave from his or her Master, Mistress, Renter, Possessor, or Overseer, to seek out for Labour as aforesaid, the said Justice is then hereby required to order such Master, Mistress, Renter, Possessor, or Overseer, before him, and if he or she refuse to clear him or herself by Oath (or, being a Quaker, by solemn Affirmation) he or she shall be looked upon as consenting to such Slaves having his or her Liberty, and shall be liable to the Penalty in this Clause first mentioned, to be recovered as aforesaid; save and except that nothing in this Clause contained shall extend or be construed to extend to any Negro Men Slaves who are or shall be employed in Towns as Porters, provided such Slave or Slaves so employed do always carry a Badge, made of a broad Piece of Lead, hung round his or their Necks, with the Word “Porter” marked or stamped on it, and so as such Porter, Slave or Slaves, always have a Ticket from his or their Owner, Master, Mistress, or Renter, signifying his, her, or their Permission of such Slave or Slaves being employed as Porters; and if any such Porter Slave shall refuse to work by the Day, or by the job, or shall require, by Agreement before-hand, or Demand after such Labour done, any exorbitant Price for such Labour, it shall be lawful for any Justice of the peace to hear a Complaint of such Refusal to work, or exorbitant Price taken or demanded, and punish such offending Slave at Discretion, according to the Heinousness of the Offence; and every Justice of the Peace shall hear and determine such Complaints without demanding or taking any Fee for the same.
[Clause XXI.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That every Master, Mistress, Owner, or Renter of any Slave or Slaves within this Island shall cloath the said Slaves Once every year, by giving to each respective Slave, being a Male, One Pair of Drawers and a Shirt, or close-bodied Frock, and to each Female a petticoat and a Shift, or cloathing adequate thereto, upon Pain of forfeiting Fifteen Shillings for each Slave which shall not be cloathed as aforesaid, One Half to the Informer, and the other Half to be paid to the Treasurer for the Use of the Island.
[Clause XXII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the Publication of this Act, it shall not be lawful for any Negro or other Slave to plant, to his own or any other Slave’s Use, any Sugar, Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, or Ginger whatsoever; and that if any negro or other Slave shall be found with any such, exposing the same to Sale, such Sugar, Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, or Ginger shall be deemed stolen Goods, and the same Proceedings, Penalties, and Forfeitures shall be had, made, and prosecuted thereon, against any such Negro or other Slaves, as in the Cases hereinbefore mentioned; and any Huckster or other person who shall be convicted of dealing with or buying any Sugar, Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, or Ginger from such Negro or other Slave, shall be subject to the same Penalties and Proceedings as are hereinbefore inflicted on those who receive stolen Goods.
[Clause XXIII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any White Person or Persons shall take off any Pot-hook, Ring, or Collar from any Negro or Negroes, or other Slave or Slaves Neck or Necks, Leg or Legs, without Leave of his, her, or their Master, Mistress, or Overseer, such person or Persons shall forfeit the Sum of Ten Pounds Current Money, to be paid to the Owner of such Negro or other Slave from whose Neck or Legs any Pot-hook, Ring, or Collar shall be taken as aforesaid, due Proof thereof being made before any of His Majesty’s Justices of the peace, before whom the same shall and may be recovered, or on the Party confessing the same; and in case any Negro or other Slave shall be found guilty thereof, such Negro or other Slave shall receive Forty Lashes on his or her bare Breech, by Order of any One of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace.
[Clause XXIV.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person or Persons whatsoever shall hereafter manumit or set free any Slave or Slaves, except he, she, or they, or the Representatives of such Person or Persons, shall, previous to such Manumission, pay into the public Treasury of this Island One hundred Pounds Current Money, for the Use of the said Island, and the Receipt of the Treasurer for the Time being shall be tacked to the Deed of Manumission, and be an Authority for the same; and the Treasurer for the Time being is hereby authorized and directed to pay Half-yearly, to any Slave so manumitted, out of the public Treasury, Four Pounds Current Money for the Maintenance of such Slave during the natural life of such Slave, and the Receipt of such Slave, or a Certificate from a Justice of the peace of the Payment of such Money in his Presence, which every Justice is hereby required to give when thereto required or applied to for the Purpose, shall be a Discharge to the said Treasurer for all such Money as he shall from Time to Time pay to such Slave or Slaves, and any Manumission made in any other Manner than aforesaid shall be void; and any person suffering any Slave or Slaves, blind, diseased, aged, or otherwise disabled from working, to ramble or beg about the Towns or Country, such Person so offending shall be fined (upon good Proof) by any Justice of the Peace in any sum not exceeding Ten Pounds, nor less than Five Pounds Current Money, One Half to the Informer, and One Half to the Public; and any Person suffering any Slave, having any infectious Disorder, to ramble as aforesaid, shall, upon Proof as aforesaid made before any Justice of the Peace, be fined by such Justice any Sum not exceeding Twenty, or less than Ten Pounds Current Money, One Half to the Public, and One Half to the Informer.
[Clause XXV.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Minister of this Island shall marry any Free person to any Slave in this Island, such Minister shall forfeit, to the use of the Public, Fifty Pounds Current Money, to be recovered by Warrant under the Hand of the Governor in Chief, Deputy Governor, or President of the Council for the Time being of the said Island, in Nature of an Execution directed to the Provost Marshal or his Deputy, who shall levy the same.
[Clause XXVI.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Free Person so marrying such Slave shall pay to the Owner of the Slave he hath married the Sum of Two hundred Pounds, or be obliged, by Order of Two Justices, to serve such Owner Four Years.
[Clause XXVII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That for the future no Free Negro or Mulatto shall be Owner or Possessor of more than Eight Acres of Land, and in no Case shall be deemed and accounted a Freeholder; and that if any Negro or Mulatto shall ever be possessed of more than Eight Acres of Land in his own Right, he or she is allowed Six Months to sell and dispose of the Overplus of the said land; and if such Overplus be not sold and disposed of with Six Months from the Time of his or her Possession, then the said Overplus, above Eight Acres, shall be forfeited to His Majesty.
[Clause XXVIII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Free Negroes and Mulattoes, not having land, shall be obliged, in Thirty Days after the Date hereof, to chuse some Master or Mistress to live with, who shall be owned by them, and with whom they shall live and [...] their abode, to the Intent that their Lives and Conversations may be known and observed.
[Clause XXIX.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Free Person, not being a White, shall presume to strike a White Person, he shall, by Order of the next Justice (on Proof of his striking) be severely whipt and imprisoned, at the Discretion of the said Justice, so as such Imprisonment does not exceed Six Months. [7]
[Clause XXX.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any White Person shall strike, beat, or otherwise abuse any Free Negroe or Mulatto, on Proof thereof made to any Justice of the Peace, he shall be bound over to the Sessions, and be punished at the Discretion of the Justices then sitting, any Law or Usage notwithstanding.
[Clause XXXI.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Slave shall impudently strike or oppose any White Person, any Justice, upon Complaint and Proof made, shall order a Constable to cause such Slave to be publicly whipped at his Discretion; and if such White person be anyway hurt, wounded, or disfigured, by any Slave’s Resistance, such offending Slave shall have his Nose slit, or any Member cut off, or be punished with Death, at the Discretion of any Two Justices, always excepting, that the Slave do not the same by his or her owner’s or Master’s Orders, or in Defence of his or her Owner or Master’s Person or Goods; and it shall be lawful for all Persons to take away from any Slave or Slaves any hurtful Clubs, or other mischievous Weapons whatsoever, unless such Slave or Slaves is or were intrusted with such Weapons for the Defence of his or their Owner’s Goods or Person.
[Clause XXXII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all persons who are not Whites, and are fit to go out to Trades, shall be bound Apprentice to any Person who will receive them for Seven Years (unless they chuse a Master or Mistress to be bound to) by the next Justice who shall be informed of such Persons, and who is immediately to cause them to be bound, in Ten Days after such Information, to any Person or persons wiling to receive them, on Penalty of forfeiting Ten Pounds upon every such Refusal.
[Clause XXXIII] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Slave or Slaves shall be found guilty of stealing from any person or Persons whatsoever Six Pounds Current Money in Specie, or any Goods or Effects to the Value of Six Pounds Current Money, such Slave or Slaves shall, and is hereby declared to be guilty of Felony.
[Clause XXXIV.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That any Slave who hath been upon or shall hereafter be upon this Island for the Space of One Year, and shall absent or withdraw him or herself, or being now run away shall continue absent from his or her Master’s, Owner’s, or Renter’s Service for the Space of Three Months from the Day of the Date of this Act, or from the Time such Slave shall first absent himself or herself, or withdraw or run away hereafter Six Months (to be computed at Twenty-eight Days each); or if any Slave or Slaves, having been or that shall be on this Island for the Space of One Year, shall hereafter withdraw, absent, or run away from his Master’s Service at several Times within the Space of Two Years, amounting in all to Six Months, to be computed as aforesaid, all and every such Slave or Slaves shall be and are hereby adjudged and declared to be guilty of Felony, and shall suffer Death as Felons.
[Clause XXXV.] Provided always and nevertheless, That if any Slave or Slaves now absent, withdrawn, or run away, shall return and surrender him, her, or themselves, to his, her, or their Master or Owner within Three Months next ensuing the Day of the Publication of this Act, such Slave so returning and surrendering is and are hereby pardoned and acquitted of and from all Crime or Crimes (Murder only excepted) by him or her heretofore committed, or which shall be committed before Publication of this Act by him, her, or them.
[Clause XXXVI.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Slaves, being upon this Island for the Space of One Year, and of the Age of Sixteen Years and upwards, shall hereafter absent themselves or run away in any Number amounting to Ten and upwards, and shall continue run away and absent from their Service as aforesaid for Ten Days or more, or if any less Number of Negroes, whether One or more, shall run away or absent themselves from their Owners Service, and shall associate themselves with any other Negroes, making in the whole Number Ten or more, and shall remain absent Ten Days as aforesaid, then One of the said Negroes out of each Ten, such as the Justices shall think the greatest Offender, shall suffer Death as a Felon, and the other Negroes associated as aforesaid shall be publicly corrected or punished at the Discretion of the said Justices.
[Clause XXXVII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That whoever shall apprehend or take up a Runaway Slave who hath been absent from his Master’s, Mistress’s, Owner’s, or Renter’s Service Two Months or more, shall receive, as a Reward for apprehending and taking such Slave, Thirty Shillings, to be paid out of the public Treasury of this Island, on Proof made of such running away and taking, by the Oath of some White Person before a Justice of the Peace, and the Justice’s Certificate to the Treasurer shall be sufficient for such Payment, without further Order to the Treasurer.
[Clause XXXVIII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That after any Slave shall be run away from the Service of his or her Master, Owner, or Renter, every other Slave who, knowing such [8] Slave is run away from his or her Master’s, Owner’s, or Renter’s Service, shall entertain, harbour, receive, or conceal, or anyways aid or assist, or comfort, afford or give any Sustenance to any such Runaway, shall, upon Conviction thereof before any Justice of the Peace, for the First Offence be publicly whipped upon the bare Breech with any Number of Stripes not exceeding Fifty; and if it shall happen that any such Offender or Offenders shall be convicted the Second Time of the same Offence, he or they, upon Second Conviction, shall be adjudged to be publicly whipt upon the bare Breech, with any Number of Stripes not exceeding One hundred; and if any such Offender or Offenders shall be thereof convicted a Third Time, he or they, upon such Third Conviction, shall be adjudged to have a further Number of Stripes, not exceeding One hundred and Fifty, and so in Proportion for each after Offence.
[Clause XXXIX.] And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no Master, Owner, or Renter of Slaves shall give any Slave or Slaves Leave, on Sunday or any other Holidays, to go out of their Plantation (except such as usually wait upon them, and no others) but with a Ticket under the master’s Mistress’s, or Manager’s hands, specifying the Time allowed such Slave to be absent; and if any Master or Owner of a Plantation finds any Negro or other Slave upon his Plantation without a Ticket or Business from his Master or Owner, and doth not punish him with a moderate Whipping not exceeding Twenty Stripes, he shall forfeit Five Pounds Current Money.
[Clause XL.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That any White or Free person or persons may apprehend any Slave or Slaves that shall be found out of his Master’s or Owner’s Plantation on Saturday Nights, Sundays, or Holidays, not being on their Master’s or Mistress’s Business, nor having such a Ticket, or not having a White Man with them (except as before) and the said Slaves may correct with moderate Whipping as aforesaid; and if such Negro or other Slave shall be armed with Clubs, Wooden Swords, or other mischievous Weapons, and found out of their Master’s or Owner’s Plantation (though with a Letter or Ticket) they may be taken up, disarmed, and whipped as aforesaid.
[Clause XLI.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the Publication of this Act, it shall and may be lawful for any Justice of the Peace within this Island, and every Justice of the Peace is hereby authorized and required, upon complaint on oath to him made, that any negro or other Slaves are run away and have absented themselves from the Service of their Owners, and at the Request of their Owners or their Attornies, and not otherwise, to issue a Warrant to such owners or their Attornies, or to some discreet Person or Persons to be recommended for that Purpose by such Attornies or Owners, and to approved of by such Justice, to search for and apprehend all such Runaway Slaves, as also all such Negro or other Slaves as the said Complainants shall have just Cause to suspect to be guilty of wilfully entertaining, harbouring, or concealing such Runaway Slaves, and them to bring before such Justice, to be dealt with according to the Directions of this Act for such their Offences, and the said Justice is hereby authorized and required to hear and determine such Complaints, and to give Judgment thereupon against any Slave that shall be by him adjudged guilty of any of the Offence aforesaid according to the Directions of this Act; and it shall be lawful for any Person or Persons so authorized by Warrant as aforesaid to enter any negro House or Houses by Night or Day to search for any Slave or Slaves, having first given Notice to the Master, Owner, or Overseer, on the Plantation to which such House or Houses belong, and after such Warrant obtained, and Notice given as aforesaid, to break open the Door or Doors of such Negro Houses into which such Person is refused Admittance.
[Clause XLII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Slaves who shall be taken fighting shall be whipped publicly by Order of a Justice of the Peace at his Discretion, and if any Slave draw a Knife, either in assaulting another or in his own Defence, he shall be publicly whipped by like Order at the Discretion of a Justice.
[Clause XLIII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Slave shall be taken out of the Plantation to which such Slave belongs with any Fire Arms, Cutlasses, Swords, Lances, or Pikes, or other hurtful Arms, not having a Ticket from the owner or Possessor of such Slave for carrying the same, or not being under the Direction of a White Person sent along with such Slave or Slaves, any Person or Persons may seize such Slave or Slaves, with the Arms or Weapons, or the Arms and Weapons alone, and carry such Slave and Arms, or the Arms only, before a Justice of the peace, and the Justice shall order the Arms to be forfeited to the Person or Persons who shall have seized the said Slave or Arms; but if there was a Ticket duly given for carrying the said Arms, and the said Ticket be lost, or was taken from the Slave, or the Slave being attendant that Day on his Master to exercise them, upon Oath thereof made by the owner, Master, Mistress, Renter, or Overseer, that such Ticket was so give, the Arms shall be again restored to the Owner. [9]
[Clause XLIV.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Slave or Slaves shall be guilty of any enormous Crime, whereby the Life of any White Person shall be endangered or attempted, or any Dwelling House or Outhouses belonging to any White or Free Person shall be burnt, or attempted to be burnt, or in case any Sugar Canes or Cocoa shall be wilfully set on fire, or attempted to be burnt, that then and in such Case such Slave or Slaves, and all his and their Accessaries, Concealors, or Abettors, being Slaves, shall be adjudged, and are hereby made and declared Felons, and shall suffer Death therefore; and if any other Slave shall know of any such Crime as last mentioned intended to be done, and shall discover and give notice thereof to any Justice of the Peace of this Island, such Negro so informing shall receive Three Pounds Current Money of this island out of the public Treasury, upon producing a Certificate of the Accusation and Condemnation from any One of the Justices that sat on the Trial, which shall be sufficient without a Warrant to the Treasurer; but if on the Trial the Accusation be found frivolous or groundless, the accuser shall have and receive a Punishment by Whipping, not exceeding Fifty Lashes, on the bare Breech.
[Clause XLV.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That whatsoever Slave shall hear another Slave speaking any Words tending to Mutiny or Rebellion, or knows that he hath, or intends to prepare any Guns, Powder, Balls, Swords, or warlike Instruments, other than what are allowed for watching, and to discover the same to any Justice of the Peace, the Slave giving such Information shall, upon the Conviction of the Slave or Slaves informed against, or any Justice of the Peace certifying that there was good Cause of Suspicion of an intended Mutiny or Rebellion, be paid by the Treasurer, out of the Treasury of this Island, Twenty Pounds Current Money; but if any Negro or other Slave so accusing or informing against any other Negro or other Slave shall not make his Accusation to the Satisfaction of the Persons who shall try the Slave or Slaves so accused, then such Accuser shall have and receive a Punishment by Whipping, not exceeding Fifty Lashes.
[Clause XLVI.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That where one Slave murders another, the Price pai by the Public on executing the Murderer, as hereafter directed, shall be equally divided between the owner of the Offender and the Owner of the Slave slain.
[Clause XLVII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person’s Slave shall be killed in pursuing Runaways by his Master’s Owner’s, Renter’s, or Manager’s Orders, or any other lawful Order, the Slave slain shall be paid for by the Public, and the Value settled as herein directed for settling the Value of a Runaway killed in being pursued; and if the Slave pursuing be only maimed, or much hurt, then proportionable allowance shall be made by the Public, to be settled in Manner last mentioned.
[Clause XLVIII] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Slave shall kill or murder any Person, White or Black, or commit any Felony (running away excepted) made known to the master, Mistress, Owner, or Renter of such Slave, and such Master, Mistress, owner, or Renter of such Slave, being on this Island, shall refuse to deliver up such Slave immediately after the Crime made known as aforesaid (the Slave being then in his Master’s, Mistress’s, Owner’s, or Renter’s Service, Custody, or Power) that then and in such Case, if the Slave be afterwards apprehended, and found guilty thereof, the Owner or Renter of such Slave shall be and is hereby debarred from having or receiving from the public Treasury of this Island any Sum or Sums of Money, or other Consideration for the Slave so convicted, and shall forfeit and pay the full Value of the said Slave to the Person or Persons prosecuting.
[Clause XLIX.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the Publication of this act, whensoever any negro or other Slave shall be taken and condemned for any Crime, Offence, or Misdemeanor by him or them committed, that before Execution do pass upon them, or any or either of them, he, she, or they shall be valued and appraised by Two neighbouring Freeholders, by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of the Two Justices who shall try such Slave or Slaves, according to the Conscience, best Skill, and Judgment of the said Appraisers, upon their oaths, to be given before the said Magistrates, or any other Two, before the Return of their Report: Provided always, that such Appraisers shall not appraise any Slave condemned for running away to above Thirty Pounds current Money; and such Value of such condemned Slave shall be paid to the Owner or Renter of such Slave so condemned and executed, out of the public Treasury of this Island, upon producing the Certificate of such Condemnation, Execution, and Appraisement, under the Hands of the Justices trying such Slaves, to the Treasurer of this Island, except it shall appear that the Owner, Renter, or Proprietor of such Slave or Slaves has refused to deliver up such Slave or Slaves as before mentioned, except further as is hereinafter mentioned.
[Clause L.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Provost Marshal of this island for the Time being, or his lawful Deputy, upon Notice given him from the Justices of the Peace, [10] or either of them (who shall award the Execution) of the Time and the Place when and where any Slave or Malefactor is to be executed, shall attend the Discharge and Duty of his Function, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds Current Money, and for each and every Execution so done and performed by the said Provost Marshal, or his lawful Deputy, he shall be paid the Sum of Five Pounds Current Money, to be allowed out of the Sum for which the Slave so executed shall be appraised at, or in the Absence or Neglect of the said Marshal and his Deputy, whosoever (being lawfully appointed) shall do or cause Execution to be done upon the Body of such Criminal or Malefactor as aforesaid, upon Certificate thereof from the Justices who awarded the Execution, he or they shall receive the Benefit of the said Sum of Five Pounds, to be paid in Manner aforesaid.
[Clause LI.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all owners, Masters, Mistresses, Managers, or Renters of Slaves within this Island shall allow to their Slaves (except those necessary about their House) Christmas Day and the Two Days next following, as Play Days, for their Recreation, and no more or other Days during the Twelve Christmas Holidays; and if any Person, Master, Renter, or Manager of any Plantation do not allow their Slaves the same Days as before mentioned for their Recreation, and as Holidays, or shall allow them any other or more Days in the Christmas Holidays than as aforesaid, the Person or Persons so offending shall forfeit the Sum of Fifty Pounds Current Money of this Island.
[Clause LII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That on Complain made to any Justice of the Peace of any Crime committed by any Slave or Slaves, such Justice shall issue his Warrant for apprehending the Offenders, and all such Persons and Slaves to come before him who can give Evidence relative to such Crime; and if such Justice finds that the offence charged will not affect the Life or Limb of such Slave or Slaves, he shall and may direct such Slave or Slaves to be publicly correct at his Discretion, and award Satisfaction to the Parties injured in any Sum under Six Pounds Current Money; but if the Crime with which such Slave or Slaves is charged to have committed be such as will affect either Life or Limb, then such Justice shall commit the accused Slave to the Prison, or take Security at his Discretion, and shall appoint a Day for the Trial of such Slave or Slaves, and for the Appearance of the Witnesses who have attended by his Warrant, the Nature of which Crime, and the Day appointed for Trial he shall, within Ten Days after such Commitment or Security given, certify to the next Justice of the Quorum (if he be not of the Quorum himself) and require him by virtue of this Act, and such other Justice is by such Certificate hereby required to associate himself to him, which said Two Justices, according to the Evidence which shall be given before them, shall give Sentence of Death, or for Loss of Limb or Member, as the Law directs; and the said Justices shall issue forth their Warrant for executing their Sentence; and in all Trials of Slaves, the Justice or Justices shall or may hear the Evidence of any other Slave, and give such Credit thereto as he or they shall in Conscience be convinced such Evidence deserves.
[Clause LIII.] And whereas some Masters and Owners of Slaves in this Island do not provide sufficiently for their Slaves, or allow them Time to plant and provide from themselves, contrary to Law, and yet the Safety of this Island requires that such Slaves should suffer, or otherwise they would commit the greatest Outrages, and their Masters and Owners be encouraged in their Neglect at the public Charge; Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Justices at the same Time of trying any Slave accused of Robbery shall enquire, by Witnesses examined on their Oaths, how the Owner or Owners of such Slave was provided with Provisions and other Necessaries, and what Allowance such Slave received; and if it shall appear to the said Justices that the Master or Owner had not provided sufficiently for such Slave, and that Necessity might have compelled the Slave to the Offence committed by him, the said Justice shall certify the same to the Treasurer, and direct the Treasurer to pay the Damage done by such Slave to the Party injured (so as such Damage does not exceed the Value of such Slave, as in that Case the Value only of such Slave shall be paid for the Damages) but nothing to the Owner.
[Clause LIV.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Free Person or Persons whatsoever shall geld or dismember any Slave, such Person or Persons so offending shall and may be prosecuted by Presentment, Indictment, or Information before the Justices of the Peace in their Sessions, or Justices of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery, and, upon Conviction of any such Gelding or Dismembering, the Offender or Offenders shall each be fined any Sum not exceeding Sixty Pounds Current Money, or less than Forty Pounds like Money, and shall be imprisoned until such Fine be paid, and all Fees, and shall further find Sureties for his or their good Behaviour for One Year, so as the Prosecution be commenced in One Year after the Offence of Gelding or Maiming be committed, and not after; and shall likewise pay double Damages and Costs to the Party grieved, to be recovered by Action of Trespass in any Court of Record in this Island, any Thing herein contained to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding. [11]
[Clause LV.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Fines and Forfeitures laid by this Act, where no particular Method of Recovery of the Forfeitures mentioned in this Act is directed, and the same do not amount to more than Ten Pounds Current Money, the same shall be recovered by Warrant from any One Justice of the Peace directed to a Constable, or the Provost Marshal, or his Deputy, to be levied on the Offender’s Goods and Chattels, which Goods and Chattels shall be immediately carried to the next Town, and sold by public Outcry, at the Expence of the Offender, and in Default of sufficient Goods and Chattels of the offender to be found, then on the Body of the Offender, who shall be imprisoned till Satisfaction be made of the Forfeiture and all Fees; and if the Forfeitures amount to more than Ten Pounds Currency, then the same shall be levied by a Warrant from Two Justices of the Peace in Manner aforesaid, of which Proceedings the Justice or Justices shall from Time to Time make Record, and return the same into the Secretary’s Office, under his or their Hands and Seals; and each Justices for hearing the Trial and making up the Record as aforesaid shall and may receive Forty Shillings and no more, and the Secretary Six Shillings for filing, and the Marshal, his Deputy, or Constable shall, for making each Levy of Fines and Forfeitures of Ten Pounds, and under Ten per Cent. and for Fines and Forfeitures above Ten Pounds, Five per Cent.
[Clause LVI.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Warrants from any Justice or Justices of the Peace, directed to any Constable or Constables, to apprehend Offenders, or to any Constable or Constables, or to the Provost Marshal, or his Deputy, to make Levies as aforesaid, shall be duly executed by such Constable or Constables, the Provost Marshal, or his Deputy, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds Current Money, to be levied in Manner as aforesaid, by Warrant of any Justice or Justices, whose former Warrant he or they shall refuse to execute.
[Clause LVII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Justice of the Peace in this Island shall refuse or neglect, upon Application made to him, immediately to take and use proper Measures to apprehend and to try any Slave or Slaves, and effectually to finish his Trial in Ten Days after being applied to, for any Felony committed by or charged upon any Slave or Slaves whatsoever, or for any other Crime of a lower Nature charged on any Slave or Slaves, such Justice shall forfeit Fifty Pounds Current Money of this Island, to be recovered by Action, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of the Courts of Record within this Island, or by Indictment or Information before the Justices of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery, or Justices of the Peace at their Sessions, One Moiety to the Prosecutor or Informer, and the other Moiety to His Majesty, His Heirs, and Successors, for the public Uses of this Island, and the Support of the Government thereof.
[Clause LVIII.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Fines and Forfeitures laid and imposed by this Act, and not hereinbefore disposed of, shall be paid into the public Treasury of this Island, and to be to the use of His Majesty, His Heirs, and Successors, towards defraying the public Charges of this Island, and the Treasurer of this Island for the Time being shall, under the Penalty of One hundred Pounds Current Money, to be levied and applied as hereinbefore directed, by Certificate under his Hand, notifying to the Commander in Chief of this island for the Time being, what Sums he shall so receive within Three Days after such Receipt.
[Clause LIX.] And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in every Action, Suit, Indictment, Information, or Prosecution wherein or whereby any Person or Persons shall be sued, indicted, prosecuted, or molested for the doing any Matter or Thing in this Act contained, it shall be lawful for all and every the said Persons, their Heirs, Executors, and Administrators to plead the General Issue, and to give this Act in Evidence in any Court or Courts of Justice where the matter shall be depending.
Dated at Kingstown, the Eleventh Day of July, in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty-seven, and in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth.
Passed the Assembly the Twenty-second Day of June One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty-seven.
EDMD REYNOLDS, Clerk of the Assembly.
Passed the Council the First Day of July One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty-seven.
PH. JONES, Dep. Cl. of the Council. [12.]
Passed the Governor in Chief the Eleventh Day of July One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty-seven.
Published in Kingstown the Thirteenth Day of July One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty-seven.
WM WALKER, Dep. P. Marshal.
Recorded and carefully examined the Twenty-seventh Day of January One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty-eight.
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