WHEREAS great doubts have arisen, how far free negroes, Indians, and Mulattoes may be evidence against one another, in the several courts of this island; from whence great inconveniencies do and may arise, such of them as are born free not being liable to be tried before the Justices and freeholders, as slaves and persons manumitted are: For remedy whereof, may it please your Majesty that it may be enacted; be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly of this your Majesty's island of Jamaica, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same; That all free negroes, Indians, and Mulattoes, shall be, and are hereby made good evidence, in all causes and controversies, in all the courts of this island, against one another; and all courts are hereby authorised to receive their testimony on oath, in that behalf, in the same manner as if they were white inhabitants of this island.
II. PROVIDED that this act be not construed to extend to admit their evidence against any negroes, Indians or Mulattoes, that have the liberties of white persons, by any law of this island, in any case whatsoever.
III. AND be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That so much and such part of the act o the Governor, Council, and Assembly o this island, entituled, An Act for the better Order and Government of Slaves, which subjects negroes born slaves and afterwards manumitted to be tried for any crimes by two Justices of the Peace and three freeholders, be, and stand repealed; and that for the future all such negroes, Indians or Mullato, who have been, or shall be manumitted by their masters, or otherwise, shall be tried for all offences, in the same manner as if they were born free; any thing in the said act, or in any other act, law, custom, or usage to the contrary notwithstanding.
IV. PROVIDED nevertheless, That no negro, Indian or Mulatto, who shall be made free, shall be admitted to give evidence by virtue of this law, unless he has been manumitted or made free for the space of six months before the time he shall be produced to give his testimony; any thing herein before continued to the contrary notwithstanding.
V. AND be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any such negro, Indian or Mulatto, shall in any cause, where he shall give his testimony, be guilty of perjury, he shall suffer such pains and penalties, upon being legally convicted thereof, as persons guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury are by law liable to.