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CAP. 6.
ENACTS, Clause 1.---“That no mulatto, Indian, or negro, whatsoever, shall hawk or carry about to sell from place to place, or shall sell in any open street or market, any sort or sorts of goods, wares, or merchandises whatsoever, on penalty of the forfeiture of all and every such goods, wares, and merchandises, as shall be so hawked or carried, or exposed to be sold and disposed of, and the further pain of such corporal punishment as any magistrate, in his discretion, shall think fit to appoint, not exceeding thirty-one lashes: Provided always, That nothing in this act contained shall extend, or be deemed, construed, or taken to extend, to prevent the carrying about, selling, and disposing of, all and all manner of provisions, fruits, fresh fish, milk, poultry, and other small stock of all kinds; but that the same may be carried about, sold, and disposed of, as formerly, provided the person hath a ticket from the master or owner of such goods; any thing in this act contained to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding”
Clause 2.---“That no mulatto, Indian, or negro, whatsoever, shall buy up, to re-vend or engross, any manner of plantation provisions or small stock whatsoever; and whosoever shall offend, contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof, shall be subject to such corporal punishment, not exceeding thirty-one lashes, as any magistrate, in his discretion, shall order.”
Clause 3.---“That no slave presume to sell or give away any sugar, or sugar-canes, without a ticket from the owner or proprietor of such slave, on pain of such corporal punishment, to be inflicted on such slave or slaves by order of any justice, as such justice shall think fitting, not exceeding thirty-one lashes.”
Clause 4.---“That all and every person or persons who shall buy or receive any sugar, rum, cotton, ginger, coffee, cocoa, or chocolate, or other product of the island (provisions and small stock excepted) of any slave or slaves, or any other person but the master or owner of such rum, sugar, cotton, ginger, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, or other product, as aforesaid, or a known factor for the same, and shall be thereof convicted, by the oath of any one white person, shall forfeit ten pounds (to the use herein after mentioned) for the first offence, and, fore the second and every other offence of the kind, the like sum of ten pounds, and suffer such corporal punishment as any justice of the peace, in his discretion, shall order, not exceeding twenty lashes on the bare back or buttocks.”
Clause 5.---“That all penalties and forfeitures in this act mentioned shall be recovered before two justices of the peace; the one half thereof to the use of the informer, and the other half to the use of the poor of the parish where such offence shall be committed; any law, custom, or usage, to the contrary notwithstanding.”
"An act to prevent hawking and pedling and disposing of goods clandestinely." Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World, accessed Mar 10, 2025, https://slaveryandfreedomlaws.lib.unb.ca/laws/322
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