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WHEREAS divers rebellious and runaway Slaves have formed themselves into several Bodies, and of late have very much increased, by the neglect of keeping up Standing-Parties for the entire suppressing of them: And whereas the several Laws for that Purpose have hitherto proved ineffectual; be it therefore enacted by his Majesty's Governor, Council, and Assembly of this Island, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the Authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful to and for his Majesty's present Governor, or the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being, or the Commanding-Officer in every Parish, distant at least twenty Miles from the Town of St. Jago de la Vega, by Warrant under his Hand and Seal, to commission such Person or Persons as he shall think fit to command any Party or Parties that will voluntarily inlist themselves to go out in Pursuit of the said rebellious and runaway slaves.
II. AND to encourage all such Persons as are so commissioned, or shall so inlist themselves in so necessary a Work, be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That every such Party so commissioned, shall have and receive for every rebellious Slave above the Age of fourteen, they shall take alive or kill, the Sum of Fifty Pounds, current Money of this Island; to be paid them out of such Fund or Funds as are or shall be applied to and for the use of Parties; and shall also have and take to themselves and their Heirs, every Boy, Girl, or Pick-a-ninny which they shall so take under the Age of Fourteen, together with all such Plunder as they shall take from such rebellious Slaves; which said Fifty Pounds, and Slaves under the Age of Fourteen, and Plunder, are and shall be and are hereby declared to be in lieu and full of all other Pay and Encouragements given in and by four several Acts, entituled, An Act for raising Parties to suppress rebellious and runaway Negroes; and one other Act, entituled, An Act for the more effectual raising Parties to pursue and destroy rebellious and runaway Slaves; and one other Act, entituled, An Act for the further Encouragement of Parties and more speedy Reduction of rebellious and runaway Slaves, and one other Act, entituled, An Act for the better Order and Government of Slaves.
III. AND be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Hunter, Slave, or other Person, shall kill or bring in alive any rebellious Slave, the Master of such Person and Persons shall receive the same, and the like Sum of Money, Rewards, and other Encouragements given to the said voluntary Parties, as aforesaid, paying to the said Hunter, or Slave, Ten Pounds, and a Coat with a red Cross on the Right-shoulder (excepting Hunters hunting in the Parish of Westmoreland, who shall receive no Benefit by this Act, and who are totally excluded out of this Act) every such Person producing a Certificate under the Hands and Seals of two Justices of the Peace of the Parish where such Slave shall be so brought in or killed, which shall entitle him to the Profits and Advantages arising by this Act.
IV. AND whereas great Inconveniencies happen to this Island, through several of the Negroes and other Slaves going off this Island to the French and Spanish Colonies, for Prevention whereof, be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid ,That all and every Negroe or Negroes, Slave or Slaves, that shall attempt to go off this Island, and be taken in such Attempt; and all and every Slave or Slaves that shall actually go off this Island to the French or Spanish Colonies, and return or be brought back to this Island; and every such Negroe or Negroes, Slave and Slaves, so offending as aforesaid, and being thereof convicted before two Justices and three Freeholders, shall suffer such Pains and Punishments (according to the Nature of their Crime) as the said Justices and Freeholders shall think fit.
V. PROVIDED always, That nothing herein contained shall be construed, deemed, or taken to extend to repeal, disannul, or make void either or any of the said four recited Acts, entituled as aforesaid, or any Article or Clause therein; but the same shall remain in as full Force and Virtue as they were before the passing of this Act, except what relates to the Encouragements and Rewards given by the said recited Act.
Acts of Assembly, passed in the island of Jamaica, from the year 1681 to the year 1769 inclusive. In two volumes. Volume 2. Kingston, Jamaica: printed by Alexander Aikman, 1787. (Pages: (Appendix) 18-19)
Inexact date.
"An Act for the Encouragement of voluntary Parties to suppress rebellious and runaway Negroes." Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World, accessed Mar 10, 2025, https://slaveryandfreedomlaws.lib.unb.ca/laws/324
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