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Whereas divers Negroes and other Slaves do often run away and absent themselves from the service of their Owners, and are wilfully entertained, harboured and concealed by other Slaves, to the great detriment of the Owners of such run-away Slaves, and to the grievous mischief of the Inhabitants of this Island in general:
(Clause I.) Be it therefore enacted by the Honourable Samuel Barwick Efq, President of his Majesty's Council, and Commander in chief of this, and other the Caribbee Islands to windward of Guadaloupe, &e. the Honourable the Members of his Majesty's Council, and the General Assembly of this Island, and by the Authority of the same, that if any Negro or other Slave shall hereafter willfully entertain, harbour and conceal any run-away Slave, and shall be thereof adjudged guilty by any Justice of the Peace, upon confession or proof; such Negro or other Slave so offending, as also every Negro or other Slave so runaway, wilfully entertained, harboured and concealed, and thereof adjudged guilty in manner aforesaid, shall severally for such first offence, receive one and twenty lashes on their bare backs; and for the second offence of the same nature, every such Negro or other Slave so severally offending, shall receive thirty and nine lashes on the bare back and for the third offence of the same nature, every Negro or other Slave so severally offending, shall receive thirty and nine lashes on the bare back, and be branded in the right cheek with a hot Iron, marked with the letter R; and for every other offence of the same nature afterwards, every such Negro or other Slave so offending, shall be punished at the discretion of the Justice, life and limb excepted.
(Clause II.) And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that from and after publication thereof, it shall and may be lawful for any Justice of the Peace within this Island, and every Justice of the Peace is hereby authorized and required, upon complaint and oath to him made, that any Negroes, or other Slaves are run-away, and have absented themselves from the service of their Owners, and at the request of such Owners or their Attornies, and not otherwise to issue a warrant to such Owners or their Attornies, or to some discreet person or persons to be recommended for that purpose by such Owners or their Attornies, and to be approved of by such Justice, to search for and apprehended all such run-away Slaves, as also all such Negroes or other Slaves, as the said Complainants shall have just cause to suspect to be guilty of wilfully entertaining harbouring and concealing such run-away Slaves, and them to bring before such Justice to be dealt with according to the directions of this Act, for such their offences; and the said Justice is hereby authorized and required, to hear and determine such complaints, and to give judgment thereupon against any Negro or other Slave, that shall be by him adjudged guilty of any the offences aforesaid, according to the directions of this Act; and of all such complaints and the proceedings thereon, the said Justice shall make record; and every such complaints and the proceedings thereon, the said Justice shall make record; and every such person to whom such warrant shall be directed, is hereby authorized and impowered to raise and arm any number of Men, not exceeding ten, to assist in the execution of such warrant.
(Clause III.) But shall execute no other Writ at the same time, under the penalty of 50 [ monetary symbol, "l"] half to to his Majesty, and half to the person aggrieved.) Provided always, And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That such person to whom such warrant shall be directed, shall not at the time of executing of the said warrant, execute any other warrant or writ, nor be aiding, abetting or assisting, nor connive at, assent or consent to the executing of any other warrant or writ at the same time, under the penalty of fifty pounds current money; to be recovered against such person by Action of Debt, Plaint, Bill, or Information in any of the Courts of Record in this Island; one moiety thereof to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, and the other moiety of the part aggrieved who is hereby impowered to sue for the same in manner aforesaid.
Passed November 11th, 1731.
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