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[Clause 1] Whereas the Runaway and Rebellious Negroes in this Island, have of late murdered several of the Inhabitants thereof, as well White Persons as Negroes, and have plundered and destroy'd many of the small and out Settlements, and do still in great Numbers continue doing what Robberies and other Mischiefs they are able, and daily increase their Numbers by other Negroes Running away, and joining with them, which may be of fatal Consequence, if not timely suppress'd by taking some speedy Course to reduce them;
Be it therefore enacted by his Majesty's Lieutenant-Governour, Council and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the Colonel of every Regiment or Parish in this Island, or in his Absence the next Commanding Officer of the said Regiment or Parish, on notice to him given of any considerable Number of Negroes run away or in Rebellion, to raise and send out such Party or Parties of Men as he shall think convenient to reduce such Runaway or Rebellious Negroes. And for the better Encouragement of such Men to go out, and suppress any Runaway or Rebellious Negroes as aforesaid, it is hereby enacted, That the Commander of every such Party shall have and receive six Pound per Month, the Serjeant three Pound per Month, and the rest of the Party each fifty Shillings per Month, besides all Plunder and other Encouragement given them in an Act, entitled, An Act for the better Order and Government of Slaves; which Party shall use their utmost Endeavours to pursue, take and destroy all such Negroes, not only within the Limits and Bounds of their own Precincts, but also in any other adjoyning Precinct, until any one of the Commission Officers of the Precinct where the Party then is, shall have notice from the Commander of the said Party to raise another Party to follow the said Revels or Runaways; nor presume to return to their Habitations, until they have either reduc'd the said Runaway or Rebellious Negroes, or that the other Party be rais'd, or that they have been out in the pursuit of them one whole Month, if not sooner recall'd by their Commanding Officer: And that then on the return of the said Party or Parties, their Colonel or next Commanding Officer as aforesaid, shall give a Certificate under his Hand what is due to each Person belonging to the said Party; which Certificate appearing before the Governour or Commander in Chief of this Island for the time being, the said Parties shall forthwith receive out of the Revenue, by an Order from the Governour and Council, their full Pay mentioned in the Certificate aforesaid; and whatsoever Officer or private Centinel shall refuse the lawful Command of his Colonel or net Commanding Officer as aforesaid, by not going out in the said Party, or procuring and able Man well armed in his stead to perform his Duty, the said Colonel or next Commanding Officer shall forthwith commit the said Officer or private Centinel into Custody of the Marshal of the Regiment, in order to be tryed and punish'd as is provided against such as disobey their Superior Officers.
[Clause 2] And whereas a Party was formerly commanded out by Colonel Modyford Freeman, under the Command of James Hammond, with a promise to be paid as was then agreed on, by the said Colonel Freeman, but have not yet receiv'd their Pay; Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That Lieutenant-Colonel Nicholas Richardson is hereby impower'd to accompt with the Men belonging to the said Party, and certify to the Governour what Monies remain due to them; which Party after having accompted as aforesaid, shall forthwith be paid out of the Treasury of this Island, by an Order from the Governour and Council, to the Receiver-General.
[Clause 3] And whereas several Persons were appointed by an Act, entitled, An Act for the Encouragement and Freedom of Servants and Slaves, which have done or shall do any remarkable Service against the French, during this present War, to any by virtue of that Act, Richard Lloyd, James Banister, Thomas Bindlows, and John Walters, Esqs; for of the Persons nominated in that Act, did under their Hands and Seals set free a Negro Man named Cornelius, belonging to the John Lewis of Port-Royal Merchant, which they valu'd to be worth thirty and five Pounds; and by virtue of the same Act, Richard Lloyd, John Walters, and Thomas Bindlows Esqs; three of the Persons nominated in the said Act, did under their Hands and Seals set free a Negro Man nam'd Sawcy, belonging to the Estate of Jonathan Asburst deceas'd, which they valued to be worth thirty Pounds; and whereas several other Persons Inhabitants of this Island have had several Negroes freed by virtue of the aforesaid Act, and have since been paid by virtue of one other Act, entitled An Act for raising the Sum of 11000 l. for paying the Debts contracted during the Descent of the French, and what remain'd in the Receivers Hands, rais'd by virtue of that Act more than was paid away by the said Receivers, being appropriated to the Revenue; and the said John Lewis and the Estate of Jonathan Asburst being yet unpaid for the said Negroes; it is therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that the said John Lewis receive Thirty and Five Pounds, and the Estate of Jonathan Asburst Thirty Pounds, Currant Money out of the Treasury of this Island, by an Order from the Governour and Council to the Receiver-General.
"An Act for raising Parties to Suppress Rebellious and Runaway Negroes." Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World, accessed Jan 30, 2025, https://slaveryandfreedomlaws.lib.unb.ca/laws/364
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