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Saint Lucia.
By his Excellency Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Anthony Bozon, Senior Officer administering the Government of the Island of St. Lucia, &c. &c. &c.
Mark Anthony Bozon.
WHEREAS an Order of the King in Council, bearing date at the Court of Saint James the 2d day of November 1831, has been transmitted for promulgation in the Island of Saint Lucia, which relates to the condition of slaves in said Colony, and which requires that the same shall be made known within one calendar month after the same shall be received, and that the said Order in Council shall be in force in the said Colony on the expiration of fourteen days next after the date of such Proclamation, and not before:
Now I, Mark Anthony Bozon, Senior administering the Government of the Island of Saint Lucia, do by this my Proclamation proclaim and make known the said Order of His Majesty in Council, bearing the 2d day of November last; and the said Order will be in force in this Colony in fourteen days next after the date of this my Proclamation, of which all persons concerned are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly.
Given at the Government Office, Castries, the 24th day of December 1831.
By his Excellency’s Command.
George Washington Busteed, Chief Secretary.
"Proclamation (regarding the Order of The King in Council of the 2d of November last.)" Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World, accessed Mar 10, 2025, https://slaveryandfreedomlaws.lib.unb.ca/laws/371
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