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Whereas It hath pleased the Royall Affrican Company in England their Comissioner Agent and factor to appoint the Island of Nevis to be the place or Mart for the delivery of Negroes for his Majesty’s Leeward Caribee Island in America whereof this is one As alsoe for the goods Contracted for the payment of the same which happens to be very [illegible] to his Majesty’s subjects the Inhabitants of this Island in regards this is the windermost of his Majesty’s Islands Soe that the Negroes which are brought to Nevis are Sold and disposed off, before any notice can be given us, And moreover for the Inhabitants here to goe downe to Nevis to buy Negroes and to carry afterwards their Goods to make payment is a matter very disadvantageous to the Inhabitants here who are altogether disappointed of the Common Advantages and conveniences of his Majesty’s gratious Intentions towards them in his Royall Charter or Grant to the said Royall Affrican Company, And it is what Wee [illegible] altogether unknowne to the said Royall Affrican Company As alsoe the Conveniences and Advantages that will Arise to themselves as well as wee by delivering Negroes and receiving their payment here which Wee doubt not but that they will Easily assent unto when they shall be hereby informed therein And for theire better encouragement in that particular and the making of sure payment for such Negroes as shall be brought hither and put to sayle for the future.
Bee it Enacted and it is hereby enacted and ordeyned by the Authority afiresaid that whensoever it shall seeme next unto the Royall Company their commissioner Agent or factor, or any Under them to bring to this Island any Negroes for sale That an able and fitt person be by the Governor of this Island for the time being appointed to be Register of this Island for the takeing Registering and keeping All such Contract or Contracts that shall at any time be made by and between any Agent factor or Servant to the said Royall Affrican Company to any Inhabitant of this Island that Shall at any time buy a Contracte for any Negroes within this Island Either on board shipps wherein such Negroes shall be brought or on shoare where such factors Agents or Servants shall appoint within the said Island, And the Said person soe appointed to be sworne upon the holy Evangelists of God true Entry and Records to make of all such Contracts to be made as aforesaid in a booke fairly written And shall attest the same under his hand, And in case any planter or other person or persons within this Island shall on his part fayle of making just payment according to such Contract Entred and Recorded by the said Register the said Agent factor or Servant or any of them lawfully Impowered upon Complaint [illegible] made to the Governor of this Island for the time being Shall within twenty four hours after such Complaint made have a special Court appointed to be held for Tryall of such Complaint upon the ordinary Charge of other Courts without paying extraordinary fees as in speciall Courts is usuall where the Entry and Record made by the Register to be appointed as aforesaid shall be held and Soe much good Evidence and sufficient to Convict the party offending or making [illegible] of any payment or such Contract and uppon such Evidence Judgement shall be granted against the defendant and Execution shall in three dayes after the said Judgement Issue out against such person for Condemned for the sum and quantity of Goods or money soe Contracted for and Recorded as aforesaid without any Cost of such or otherwaies to be paid by the said Agents, Servants or any Impowered lawfully by or under them, But that all such Costs and Charges shall be taken from the Defendant, As alsoe the Fees hereafter appointed to be paid unto the said Register for his Record in due performance of what is by this Act enjoyies him (that is to say) Thirty pounds of Tobacco for each Contracte that shall be Soe made and Contracted as aforesaid and Recorded to be paid by the Byer and Contractor thereof any Law Custome or usage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding, Dated the third day of May one thousand six hundred seaventy five.
Phillip Warner
Richard Burraston, Speaker
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Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World © 2023 by Stefanie Hunt-Kennedy is marked with CC0 1.0.