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By his Excellency Sir Patrick Ross, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Major-General in the Army, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty’s Islands of Antigua, Montserrat and Barbuda, Chancellor, Vice-Admiral and Ordinary of the same, &c. &c. &c.
Patrick Ross.
(l. s.)
WHEREAS various acts of insubordination have recently taken place in this Island by many of the slaves quitting the estates in large bodies, in opposition to the authority of their masters and superintendents, and presenting themselves at Government House, making, in most instances, causeless complaints, without having previously represented their grievances to their owners or to the magistrates residing in their vicinity; and as these acts of insubordination hold out an example dangerous in the extreme to the quiet and more orderly slaves of other plantations, and injurious to the interest of the estate to which such offenders belong, I do hereby, as representing His Majesty in this Island, consider it absolutely necessary to express my marked disapprobation and condemnation thereof, and intimate by this my Proclamation, to all whom it may concern, that such reprehensible conduct is in future strictly prohibited.
And I do hereby further direct, that whenever the slaves of any estate conceive they have just cause of complaint, they will on no account presume to make the same in gangs or large bodies, but are to depute two, or at the utmost three of their number, who may proceed to lay the same before the magistrate or magistrates of the Division in which they reside; and only in the event of a failure of redress in such quarter are they in like manner to represent their grievances to me. Any infraction of the provisions of this my Proclamation will tend to bring upon the offender or offenders exemplary punishment.
Given under my hand and seal this 11th day of August 1831, and in the second year of His Majesty’s reign.
By His Majesty’s Command,
(signed) Charles Taylor, Private Secretary.
Duly published this 12th day of August 1831.
(signed) Marlin Nanton,
Deputy Provost Marshal.
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