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Anno 1679. N˚30.
WHEREAS there is a general Complaint in this Island of the Liberty that Negroes do assume to themselves in wandering from one Plantation to another on the Sabbath Day, and at other Times, both Day and Night, by which Means many of the Inhabitants are much damnified by several Insolencies, Thefts, and Robberies, which, if not speedily prevented, may very much prejudice the public Welfare of this Island; It is therefore Enacted and Ordained, and be it hereby Enacted and ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That for the future all Proprietors of Negro or Negroes in or upon this Island, or Overseers of Plantations that shall have any strange or wandering Negro or Negroes come into his, her, or their Plantations, either by Day or Night, on Pretence of any lawful Occasions; and any such Negro or Negroes that shall, after Notice given unto him or them to repair unto his, her, or their Master or Mistress, Owner or Owners, Overseer or Overseers of the respective Plantations where any such Negro, or Slave or Slaves shall so loiter, shall forthwith take any such Runaway or Wandering Slave or Slaves, and punish him or them, and send them to the Owner or Owners thereof, Overseer or Overseers of the Plantations unto which they belong; and if any Slave or Slaves shall conceal such, or harbour any such Runaway or Wandering Slave in his, her, or their Cabbins, shall be by the Owner or Owners, Overseer or Overseers of such Concealers, forthwith taken before the next Justice of the Peace of this Island, and there, in the Presence of the said Justice, exercise the Punishment of Forty lashes upon the bare Back of him, her, or them that shall so conceal any Slave or Slaves, and all such Owners or Overseers as shall neglect so to do shall upon Proof thereof be fined Five hundred Pounds of Sugar for His Majesty’s Use, towards the Support of the Government of this Island, any law, Usage, or Custom in this Island to the contrary heretofore had or made in anywise notwithstanding.
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