Laws related to: Dominica

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Displaying 1 - 22 of 22
Title Year Location
An Act for suppressing of Runaway Slaves, and for the better Government of Slaves; and for preventing Slaves being fraudulently carried off this Island; and for enabling the Commander in Chief, or President of the Council for the Time being, to send out Dominica
An Act in Aid of an Act, intituled, “An Act for the suppressing of Runaways, for the better Government of Slaves, &c.” commonly called The Slave Act, and to alter and to amend the same; and further to provide a Fund for defraying the Expence necessary Dominica
An Act to revive for a limited Time a certain Act of this Island, intituled, “An Act for suppressing of Runaway Slaves, and for the better Government of Slaves, and for preventing Slaves being fraudulently carried off this Island; and for enabling the Dominica
An Act to alter and amend an Act of this Island, published the Twenty-third Day of August, in the Year One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy-three, intituled, “An Act for the suppressing of Runaway Slaves, and for the better Government of Slaves, and Dominica
An Act to revive, for a limited Time, a certain Act of this Island, intituled, “An Act for the suppressing of Runaway Slaves, and for the better Government of Slaves, and for preventing Slaves from being fraudulently carried off this Island; and for Dominica
An Act to revive and continue for a further limited Time an Act, intituled, “An Act to revive for a limited Time an Act, intituled, An Act for the suppressing of Runaway Slaves, and for the better Government of Slaves, and for preventing Slaves from Dominica
An Act for the Encouragement, Protection, and better Government of Slaves. Dominica
An Act to revive an Act of this Island, intituled An Act to establish a company of Rangers for the apprehending and suppressing of runaway Slaves, and for obliging the proprietors, renters or employers of all Slaves belonging to or employed on the several Dominica
An Act to revive and make perpetual an Act of this Island, intituled, “An Act for the encouragement, protection, and better government of Slaves.” Dominica
An Act to enable the commanding officer of the corps of rangers employed in suppressing the runaway Slaves, to procure such Slaves for guides as he shall think best qualified to discover the camps or places of resort of the runaways in the woods. Dominica
An Act for the more effectual apprehending of runaway Slaves, and to oblige the Provost Marshal of this Island to receive into his custody in the common gaol, all runaway Slaves, and to advertise them in the newspaper of the Island, and if not claimed Dominica
An Act to make the testimony of Slaves admissible in certain cases and under certain restrictions, for a limited time, to forfeit runaway Slaves who have been absent from the service of their masters a certain time; and to oblige the inhabitants of this Dominica
An Act for the trial and effectual punishment of such runaway Slaves as may hereafter be taken, and be known to be chiefs or leaders of camps, or bands of runaways in the woods. Dominica
An Act for the banishing of sundry runaway Slaves now in confinement, and also for the banishment of such runaways of certain descriptions as shall hereafter be taken or surrender themselves, and for other purposes. Dominica
An Act to regulate the manumitting of Slaves in this Island; to impose a tax upon manumissions, and to impose a tax upon all free and manumitted persons coming to this Island. Dominica
An Act for ascertaining the number of White persons, Free persons of Colour, and Slaves in this Island. Dominica
An ACT for registering the Slaves in this Island. Dominica
An Act, intituled, “An Act to extend the time limited by the Act for the registry of Slaves in this Island; and to indemnify such persons as may have failed in making their Returns within the time prescribed by that Act, and for other purposes.” Dominica
An ACT to establish Courts of Petty Sessions at stated times, for the Trial by Jury of Runaway or other Slaves in custody of the Provost Marshal, for Crimes under any of the Laws of this Island now existing, or hereafter to exist, for regulating, and in Dominica
An Act to repeal the Tax on the Manumission of Slaves. Dominica
An Act for the further encouragement, Protection, and better Government of Slaves and for the general amelioration of their condition. Dominica
An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Slaves. Dominica