Laws related to: Grenada

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Displaying 1 - 17 of 17
Title Year Location
An Act for obliging the owners of canoes, boats, and pettyaugers, to take out a licence, and give security that the same shall not be the means of enabling Slaves to make their escape, or to be carried off or transported from this Colony; and for Grenada
An Act for the more effectual trial and punishment of criminal Slaves; and to authorize His Majesty’s justices of the peace to appoint constables in cases of emergency. Grenada
An Act to continue an Act, intituled, “An Act for the more effectual trial and punishment of criminal Slaves, and to authorize His Majesty’s justices of the peace to appoint constables in cases of emergency. Grenada
An Act to amend an Act, intituled, “An Act to prevent the further sudden increase of Free Negroes and Mulattoes;” and also to amend an Act, intituled, “An Act for the better government of Slaves, and for the more speedy and effectual suppression of Grenada
An Act for the more effectual trial and punishment of Slaves who may have been or may hereafter be concerned in the rebellion and insurrection now existing in this Island. Grenada
An Act for the punishment of Slaves under sentence of banishment, or confinement to hard labour in chains, who shall escape or attempt to escape from their places of confinement or employment; and to make it lawful for the magistrates to condemn to hard Grenada
An Act for the better protection, and for promoting the natural increase and population of Slaves within the Island of Grenada, and such of the Grenadines as are annexed to the government thereof; for compelling an adequate provision for, and care of Grenada
An Act to repeal so much of an Act commonly called the Guardian Act, as gives an annuity of ten pounds to any Slave manumitted according to the direction of that Act, and for certain other purposes. Grenada
An ACT to amend an Act, intituled, “An Act for establishing a Registry of Negro and other Slaves in the Island of Granada and its Dependencies.” Grenada
An ACT for establishing a Registry of Negro and other Slaves on the Island of Grenada and its Dependencies. Grenada
An Act to consolidate all the Laws now in force relating to the Slave Population, for making more effectual provision for their maintenance and protection, and for the admissibility of their testimony in certain cases. Grenada
An Act to remove doubts respecting the Repeal of certain Acts relating to the payment of one hundred pounds upon the manumission of Slaves, and for legalizing all such deeds of Manumission as have been executed heretofore, without such payment being made Grenada
An Act to amend and explain an Act, intituled ‘An Act to amend an Act intituled an Act to consolidate all the Laws now in force relating to the Slave Population, for making more effectual provision for their main­tenance and protection, and for the Grenada
An Act to enable all His Majesty’s free-born coloured Male British Subjects to sit as Jurors on all Trials and Coroner’s Inquests within these Islands. Grenada
An Act to prevent the holding of Markets on the Sabbath-day, and appointing Thursdays and Saturdays to be public Market-days. Grenada
An Act for granting a Salary to the Reverend Antony O’Hannan, Roman Catholic Clergyman in this Government. Grenada
An Act to repeal the Forty-seventh Clause of an Act, intituled ‘An Act to consolidate all the Laws now in force relating to the Slave Population, for making more effectual provision for their maintenance and protection, and for the admissibility of Grenada