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Enacts, Clause 2.--- “That no slave shall sell or dispose of, or offer to sell or dispose of, any quantity of coffee, sugar, rum, pimento, or sugar-canes, under the penalty of a whipping of thirty-nine lashes, by order of any justice of the peace, and forfeiture of such articles, to be sold for the benefit of the poor of the parish.”
Clause 4.--- “That no slave shall have in his possession, when absent from the property to which he or she may belong, any quantity of coffee, sugar, rum, pimento, or sugar-canes, under the penalty of a whipping of thirty-nine lashes, by order of any justice of the peace, and forfeiture of such articles, to be sold for the benefit of the poor of the parish, unless such slave shall be furnished with a ticket from his owner, overseer, or other white person in the employ of his owner, specifying the quantity of each of the aforesaid articles in possession of such slave, and the name or names of the person or persons by whom and to whom the same is sent, or unless such slave shall be accompanied by some white person in the employ of his said owner.”
Clause 5.--- “That no person shall purchase, or agree or offer to purchase, from any slave, any quantity of coffee, sugar, rum, pimento, or sugar-canes whatsoever, under penalty of fifty pounds: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to exempt any person, so purchasing, from any pain or penalty as a receiver of stolen goods.”
"An act to repeal “An act for preventing depredations on coffee and other produce, and for discovering and punishing receivers of stolen produce, and for better regulating certificates of the growth of such produce;” and for making further provision against the evils contemplated in the said act. " Laws of Enslavement and Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World, accessed Mar 10, 2025, https://slaveryandfreedomlaws.lib.unb.ca/laws/230
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