Laws related to: North America

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 38
Title Year Location
Abridgement of laws relating to Run-aways. Virginia
Abridgement of laws relating to Negroes. Virginia
Abridgement of laws relating to Slaves. Virginia
An Act for the speedy and easy Prosecution of Slaves committing Capital Crimes. Virginia
An ACT inhibiting the Trading with Servants and Slaves. South Carolina
An Act to explain and amend the Act for declaring the Negro, Mulatto, and Indian Slaves, within this Dominion, to be real Estate; and Part of one other Act, intituled An Act for the Distribution of Intestates Estates, declaring Widows Rights to their Virginia
An Act declaring Slaves to be real Estate. Virginia
An Act concerning Servants and Slaves Virginia
An Act declaring the Negro, Mulatto, and Indian Slave this Dominion, to be real Estate. Virginia
An ACT for the better ordering and governing of Negroes and Slaves. South Carolina
(copy) An Act for the better ordering and governing of Negroes and Slaves. South Carolina
An Act, to amend an Act therein mentioned, concerning Servants and Slaves. North Carolina
An Act, for and additional Tax on all free Negroes, Mulattoes, Mustees, and such Persons, Male and Female, as now are, or hereafter shall be, intermarried with any such Persons, resident in this Government. North Carolina
An ACT for the better Securing this Province from Negro Insurrections, and for Encouraging of poor People by employing them in Plantations. South Carolina
An ACT for the more effectual punishing of negroes and other slaves, and for taking away the benefit of clergy from certain offenders. Maryland
An Act for the better Ordering and Governing Negroes and other Slaves in this Province. South Carolina
An Act concerning Servants and Slaves. North Carolina
An additional supplementary act to the act, entitled, *An act relating to servants and slaves. Maryland
An Act for the more effectual punishment of negroes and other slaves, and for taking away the benefit of clergy from certain offenders, and a supplementary act to an act, entitled, * An Act to prevent the tumultuous meeting and other irregularities of Maryland
An additional and explanatory Act to an Act of the General Assembly of this Province, entitled, an Act for the better ordering and governing Negroes and other Slaves in this Province. And for continuing such Part of the said Act as is not altered or South Carolina
An additional Act, to an Act, concerning Servants and Slaves. North Carolina
A Supplementary and explanatory act to an act, entitled, *An act for the more effectual punishment of negroes and other slaves, and for taking away the benefit of clergy from certain offenders, and a supplementary act to an act, †entitled, An act to Maryland
An ACT to prevent masters of ships and vessels from clandestinely carrying servants and slaves, or persons indebted, out of this province. Maryland
An Act to prevent the inveigling, stealing and carrying away Negroes and other Slaves in this Province: And to prevent the carrying away of Schooners or Pettiauguas. And also, for repealing so much of an Act, intitled, an Act for the better ordering and South Carolina
An additional Act to and Act, intituled, An Act concerning Servants and Slaves North Carolina