Laws related to: Whipping

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 77
Title Year Location
An Act for the better ordering and governing of Negroes Barbados
Abridgement of laws relating to Run-aways. Virginia
An Act for the Better Ordering and Governing of Negro Slaves Jamaica
Abridgement of laws relating to Negroes. Virginia
An Act against Negroes wandering, and the Concealers thereof. Montserrat
An Act for the making Restitution for Cattle Stolen by Negroes and Licenses for Tapp Houses in Town and Country Montserrat
An Act for the Governing of Negroes. Barbados
An Act for prohibiting the selling of Rum, or other strong Liquors, to any Negro Barbados
An Act to restrain the Insolences of Slaves and for preventing them from committing any outrages as also the better ordering such Slaves, etc. Montserrat
An Act for the better Order and Government of Slaves. Jamaica
An Act to prevent Burning or Breaking of Canes Montserrat
An Act for the better Government of Slaves and free Negroes Antigua
An act for the better Government of Slaves and Free Negroes Antigua
An Act concerning Servants and Slaves Virginia
An Act to prohibit the Inhabitants of this Island from employing, their Negroes or other Slaves, in selling or bartering. Barbados
An Act for the better Government of Negroes, and other Slaves St. Christopher
An Act for the more effectual punishing of Crimes committed by Slaves. Jamaica
An Act for attainting Several Negroes therein mentioned ; and for the more effectual preventing Negroes from running away from their Masters Service ; and for explaining and rendering more effectual an Act, intituled, An Act for the better Government of St. Christopher
An Act for attainting several Slaves now run away from their Master's Service, and for the better Government of Slaves. Antigua
An Act for the further and better regulating Negroes and other Slaves, and for the more effectual and speedy Way of prosecuting them in criminal Causes Bermuda
An Act for the punishment of Run-away Slaves, and of Slaves who shall willfully entertain, harbour and conceal any Run-away Slaves Barbados
A further Additional Clause to the Act intituled, An Act for the further and better regulating Negroes and other Slaves; and for the more effectual and speedy Way of prosecuting them in Criminal Causes Bermuda
An Act to prevent any Person or Persons allowing and encouraging any Negroes or other Slaves from rioting and meeting at unreasonable Times in his or their Houses and Plantations in Criminal Causes. Bermuda
An act to prevent hawking and pedling and disposing of goods clandestinely. Jamaica
An Act for the further Restriction of Slaves, by prohibiting them from planting any Indigo, Cotton, Ginger, Coffee, or Cocoa, and from keeping a public Market on Sundays, and for further restraining licentious Meetings of Negroes. Montserrat