Laws related to: Fines

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Displaying 51 - 75 of 135
Title Year Location
An Act to prevent hunting with a Gun in the Night by Fire Light. North Carolina
An Act for suppressing of Runaway Slaves, and for the better Government of Slaves; and for preventing Slaves being fraudulently carried off this Island; and for enabling the Commander in Chief, or President of the Council for the Time being, to send out Dominica
An act to prevent improper levies being made on the negroes or other slaves of minors; and to regulate the sales of slaves taken on writs against persons who have only an estate for a term of years, or for their own lives, or for the lives of any other Jamaica
An Act to alter and amend the thirty-second and thirty-third Clauses of an Act of this Island, intituled, An Act for attainting several Slaves now run-away from their Masters’ Service, and for the better Government of Slaves; and for regulating the Duty Antigua
An act to remedy the evils arising to mortgagees and mortagers, by the removal of slaves, mules, cattle, stock, and plantation utensils, under mortgage, and levied on junior writs of venditioni, and for other purposes. Jamaica
An Act in Aid of an Act, intituled, “An Act for the suppressing of Runaways, for the better Government of Slaves, &c.” commonly called The Slave Act, and to alter and to amend the same; and further to provide a Fund for defraying the Expence necessary Dominica
An Act to prevent the cutting off, or depriving any Slaves in this Island of any of their Limbs or Members, or otherwise disabling them. St. Christopher
An Act for governing Negroes, Mulattoes, Mustees, and Indians, and for suspending several Acts therein mentioned. Bahamas
An Act to prevent Captains, Commanders, or Masters of Ships, and all other Vessels whatsoever, from clandestinely carrying off this Island, Negro or other Slaves. Jamaica
An Act to prevent distempered, maimed, and worn-out Negroes from infesting the Towns, Streets, and Highways of this Island. Barbados
An Act to Repeal several Acts, and Clauses of Acts, respecting Slaves, and for the better Order and Government of Slaves, and for other Purposes. Jamaica
An act for the more effectually preventing nuisances on the highways. Jamaica
An Act for the better Order and Government of the Negroes belonging to the several Negro-Towns, and for preventing them from purchasing of Slaves; and for encouraging the said Negroes to go in Pursuit of Runaway Slaves; and for other Purposes therein Jamaica
An Act to repeal an Act, intitled, “An Act to repeal several Acts, and Clauses of Acts, respecting Slaves, and for the better Order and Government of Slaves, and for other Purposes:” And also to repeal the several Acts, and Clauses of Acts, which were Jamaica
An Act for the Encouragement, Protection, and better Government of Slaves. Dominica
An Act for obliging the owners of canoes, boats, and pettyaugers, to take out a licence, and give security that the same shall not be the means of enabling Slaves to make their escape, or to be carried off or transported from this Colony; and for Grenada
An Act for the more effectual trial and punishment of criminal Slaves; and to authorize His Majesty’s justices of the peace to appoint constables in cases of emergency. Grenada
An Act for raising a tax of fifteen shillings per poll on all Negro and other Slaves, and six pounds per centum on the yearly value of all houses, warehouses, stores, shops, and tenements within the several towns of this Island, to be applied for and St. Christopher
An Act to prevent Slaves from selling sugar, rum, molasses, syrups, canes, cane-liquor, live stock, butcher’s meat, and other things; also from carrying off this Island live stock and butcher’s meat without tickets from their owners or managers. Nevis
An ACT to repeal an act, intituled “An act to repeal several acts and clauses of acts respecting slaves, and for the better order and government of slaves, and for other purposes and also to repeal the several acts and clauses of acts, which were Jamaica
An Act to revive and continue an Act, intituled, An Act for the better regulating of small Vessels; and preventing Escapes of Debtors from this Island; and also to extend the same, to prevent more effectually the Escapes of fugitive Slaves from the said Antigua
An ACT to provide further Regulations for such Slaves as have been admitted into this Island; and to regulate the Admission of Slaves of a certain Description. Jamaica
An Act to prohibit the selling, purchasing, hiring or employing of certain Foreign Slaves, except as is therein excepted; for authorizing the Provost Marshal to sell, continue and transport the same; and for other purposes therein mentioned. Bahamas
An Act to consolidate and bring into one Act the several laws relating to Slaves, and for giving them further protection and security; for altering the mode of trial of Slaves charged with capital offences; for suspending the... Bahamas
An Act for the more effectual trial and punishment of Slaves who may have been or may hereafter be concerned in the rebellion and insurrection now existing in this Island. Grenada