Title Search

Displaying 51 - 75 of 355
Title Year Location
An Act declaring the Negro, Mulatto, and Indian Slave this Dominion, to be real Estate. 1705 Virginia
An Act for laying a duty of Negroes and other Slaves imported to this Island. 1705 Barbados
An Act for the further Encouragement of Parties, and more Speedy Reduction of Rebellious and Runaway Slaves. 1706 Jamaica
An Act to repeal a Clause in an Act, intitled, " An Act for the governing of Negroes" 1706 Barbados
An Act for the encouragement of such Negroes and other Slaves, that shall behave themselves courageously against the Enemy in time of invasion. 1707 Barbados
An Act to prohibit the Inhabitants of this Island from employing, their Negroes or other Slaves, in selling or bartering. 1708 Barbados
An Act to secure the peaceable possession of Negroes and other Slaves, to the inhabitants of this Island; and to prevent and punish the clandestine and illegal detinue of them 1709 Barbados
An Act for the better Government of Negroes, and other Slaves 1711 St. Christopher
An act for regulating fees. 1711 Jamaica
An act to encourage white men to come to continue and settle in this island. 1712 Jamaica
An ACT for the better ordering and governing of Negroes and Slaves. 1712 South Carolina
(copy) An Act for the better ordering and governing of Negroes and Slaves. 1712 South Carolina
An Act for repealing a Certain Clause in an Act made in the Reign of King William, intituled, “An Act to restrain the Insolencies of Slaves, and for preventing them from committing any Outrages; as also for the better ordering such Slaves. 1714 Montserrat
An Act, to amend an Act therein mentioned, concerning Servants and Slaves. 1715 North Carolina
A Supplemental Act to the Act intituled, An Act for laying a Duty on new Negroes and other Slaves imported this Island. 1715 Barbados
An Act Encouraging the importation of White Servants. 1716 Jamaica
An Act for the more effectual punishing of Crimes committed by Slaves. 1717 Jamaica
An Act for the Encouragement of voluntary Parties to suppress rebellious and runaway Negroes. 1718 Jamaica
An Act for attainting Several Negroes therein mentioned ; and for the more effectual preventing Negroes from running away from their Masters Service ; and for explaining and rendering more effectual an Act, intituled, An Act for the better Government of Negroes, and other Slaves 1722 St. Christopher
An Act to repeal a certain Act of this Island concerning Negroes 1722 Antigua
An Act, for and additional Tax on all free Negroes, Mulattoes, Mustees, and such Persons, Male and Female, as now are, or hereafter shall be, intermarried with any such Persons, resident in this Government. 1723 North Carolina
An Act for the better Security of all such as are lawfully possessed of any Negroes, or other Slaves in these Islands, whereby to secure their lawful Rights, Interest, and Property of and to the same. 1723 Bermuda
An Act for attainting several Slaves now run away from their Master's Service, and for the better Government of Slaves. 1723 Antigua
An Act to inflict further and other Punishments on the Transgressors of two several Acts, the one intituled, An Act for the better Order and Government of slaves, and the other intituled, An Act to prevent the enticing or inveiglng of Slaves from the Possessors; and for the preventing the transportation of Slaves from the Possessors' and for the preventing the Transportation of Slaves by Mortgagers and Tenants for Life or Years; and for regulating Abuses committed by Slaves. 1725 Jamaica
An Act for explaining a certain Act of this Island, past the ninth Day of December, one thousand seven hundred twenty and three, intituled, An Act for attainting several Slaves, now run away from their Masters’ Service; and for the better Government of Slaves 1725 Antigua