Recently Updated

Below are the recently added and updated laws. More transcriptions are forthcoming.

Displaying 201 - 225 of 375
Title Location Date Added Sort ascending Changed
Berbice Slave Uprising Begins
Napoleonic Wars End
Napoleonic Wars Begin
An Act authorising Persons having or taking up run-away Slaves to send them to the Gaols of the Districts where they may be apprehended, and not to the Work-House of Charleston. South Carolina
An Act to prevent Sedition, and punish Insurgents and Disturbers of the Public Peace South Carolina
An Act for further improving the condition of the Slave Population in the Island of St. Christopher. St. Christopher
An Act to restrain thefts committed by Negro and other Slaves, and to prevent the dishonest traffick carried on by such as deal with them. St. Christopher
An Act for regulating the Manumission of Slaves. St. Christopher
An Act to prevent the cutting off, or depriving any Slaves in this Island of any of their Limbs or Members, or otherwise disabling them. St. Christopher
An Act to explain and render more effectual an Act, intituled, “An Act to restrain thefts committed by Negro and other Slaves, and to prevent the dishonest traffick carried on by such as deal with them. St. Christopher
An Act for raising a tax of fifteen shillings per poll on all Negro and other Slaves, and six pounds per centum on the yearly value of all houses, warehouses, stores, shops, and tenements within the several towns of this Island, to be applied for and St. Christopher
An Act more effectually to provide for the support, and to extend certain regulations for the protection of Slaves, to promote and encourage their increase, and generally to meliorate their condition. St. Christopher
An act to repeal several acts therein mentioned respecting slaves, to declare slaves assets for payment of debts and legacies, and in what manner they shall descend and be held as property, and be sold and conveyed in certain cases. Jamaica
An act for preserving all such ships or vessels, and goods belonging thereto, which shall happen to be forced on shore or stranded on the coasts of this island; for preventing the stealing or detaining of shipwrecked goods; for regulating the adjustment Jamaica
An act for further regulating the duties of the office of coroner. Jamaica
An act for regulating the sale of gunpowder and fire-arms. Jamaica
An act to declare in force the slave act, passed in the year one thousand eight hundred and nine, so far as concerns the punishment of crimes committed during the continuance thereof. Jamaica
An act for laying a duty on all wines, and upon brandy, gin, rum, and other distilled spirits, retailed within this island; and for laying a further tax on licences to be granted for the retailing of brandy, gin, rum, and other distilled spirits, and on Jamaica
An Act to amend an Act, intituled, An Act for regulating the Pilotage of Cape Fear River, and for other Purposes. North Carolina
An Act to prevent hunting with a Gun in the Night by Fire Light. North Carolina
An additional act to amend the several acts for regulating the town of Wilmington, and to regulate and restrain the conduct of slaves and others in the said town, and in the towns of Washington, Edenton and Fayetteville. North Carolina
An additional Act to and Act, intituled, An Act concerning Servants and Slaves North Carolina
An additional Act, to an Act, concerning Servants and Slaves. North Carolina
An Act to prevent domestic Insurrections, and for other Purposes. North Carolina
An Act concerning Servants and Slaves. North Carolina